Today, I decided to work on Haikus to express a feeling.
So each Stanza of the poem is Haiku.
I hope you enjoy it, kindly read and tell me what you think.
Frustrated and numb,
The pain hits differently,
Quiet like a tomb.
Looks like a baby
But my heart, a volcano
Blasted and rippled!
Pain goes with time right?
I await your departure
succor stay, sate me.
You use some very impactful language in this poem. I'm moved to sympathy without fully understanding the cause of the pain. That's good writing.
Thank you! I am happy you felt it.
Though, I don't know the cause of pain, but I love the words you use to describe the depth of the impact and your desperate longing for succor. Good writing. 👍
Thanks for reading. Pain here is universal, mostly referring to emotional hurt though
Pretty deep you know!
Honestly, I doubt any pain could beat that of a closed one (loved) and this description solely brings that to mind.
The only healer of such hurt and how funny that even time takes it’s time to come to our rescue when we need it💔
I know right, thank you for reading
Very nice! The likening of the heart to a volcano feels quite on point, it's a really good visual.
Thank you very much! Thank you for reading
Thanks a lot!
I'm glad you could relate