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RE: performing for no one

in Blockchain Poets4 months ago

Great poems! It really is amazing how the world is full of wonder for young children, and it's too bad they outgrow it. It sounds like you are making the best of the short time you have with your youngest. They grow so fast, like you said about the makeup replacing doll houses.

Sorry to hear about your father in law, that's one of the worst cancers he has unfortunately. It's a miserable one too, I feel for him and your wife. It's going to be a rough road.

Great work like always!


Yes, I’m well aware of how fast the time goes. I’d like to spend more quality time with my older children, too, but they aren’t aware of how fast time goes and how precious the time we now have together is, and I can’t force them to spend their time with me. 🤣

So it goes.

It’s much easier to do with the little one.

Once they're teenagers it's tough. Once they leave home then they like to spend more time with you, but never as much as you would like!

The biggest struggle I have now is contending with their devices. As soon as I ask them to turn them off, they get in bad moods and that usually ruins the time we have in the car or wherever to catch up or make plans to do something.