Green Poem of the Week: Mother Earth

in Blockchain Poets5 months ago

Green Poem of the Week.jpg


She cradles us and those yet to come,

Shielding us from the fiery embrace above.

Her azure depths quench our thirst and,

her hues of green, breathe existence into being,

Her treasures, a bountiful trove,

that nourish and fulfill our every need.

Her love, a timeless embrace.

Oh, Mother Earth!

#EnvironmentalEducation #Poetry #Arts #GreenPoem #TheGreens #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #SDGs #GreenSchools #Environment #ClimateChange #Earth

 5 months ago  

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How much we need to love and protect mother earth because her green treasures are turning gray because of human ambition.

Many times we make the mistake of thinking that nothing we do harms her and, what we do not know is that the damage we do to ourselves.

Thank you for sharing.

Happy journey.
Cheers and greetings.