In search of peace

Alone in my thoughts, I mumble words
Too faint to echo, too scared to be heard.
A stranger to this world,
Lost in sorrow, I wander,
Belonging nowhere, seeking a place
Where silence holds no judgment,
Where solitude offers peace.

In this other realm, free of torment,
Will I find comfort, unbothered,
Or will the weight of loneliness
Crush what’s left of me?
Fear grips my tongue, binds my soul,
I drown in whispers,
Afraid to speak, afraid to be known.

Trust eludes me as I sit high,
A silent watcher of human folly,
Seeing sins cloaked in daylight,
I know; I do not belong.
The world spins in its madness,
And my spirit rebels against the flesh,
For I am no child of the divine,
The spiritual path evades my steps.

Death looms, nearer each day,
And yet, to confide in this world
Is to invite its pity,
But only for a moment.
Soon, the land waits in ambush,
Its smiles turn sharp, its hands
Ready to mock, ready to seize
All that was ever offered.

One mistake, and the wolves descend,
Hungry, vengeful, eager to feast.
This world, broken beyond measure,
Cries out for healing,
But who can mend it?
The answer lies not in men,
But somewhere far,
In the vast, unspoken heavens.

 5 months ago  

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