in Blockchain Poets3 months ago


She laid on her bed, still in her sleep shouting, “my chest, my chest”
She stretched her hand, to reach out for a hot ointment- her balm and applied it
but the pain persisted even more
It grew from an aching pain to a burning pain. It really hurt and
Like a water at its boiling point, tears were outpouring from her eyes, uncontrollably.


Just in, her friend took her to a known specialist to diagnose what was wrong
But after series of medical tests and cross examination, in just few minutes,
The results were out, the doctor spelt out that, according to the test results
There was nothing wrong with her.
She wore a frown on her face, she was very disappointed; only the person who puts on the shoe knows where it hurts the most and that, the doctor did not understand.
Hence, she settled the hospital bill but left for another hospital. Yet, this doctor gave the same report as the first doctor.
Still not satisfied, it was from one hospital to another
she was dying slowly, it was as though something was eating her up from the inside
And then the reason for the hole she felt in her heart.
She had visited all the hospitals, in and outside town.
Yet would they be able to offer her a solution, when the mission of diagnosing the problem was impossible?”
I’ll leave the answer to you my readers.

Some people know when they are about to die, while other people’s lives are snatched from them by the cold hands of death but her case was the first and not the latter.


So she picked up her diary and her pen, and was about to write a will.
As someone who was just young, not engaged to any man and with no family but an orphan
Her intentions was to share her wealth among differs orphanage homes. But…
While flipping the pages of her diary, she read of the curse she had placed on her best friend for the wrong she had done to her.
As, death was just around the corner, patiently waiting for her to set her things in order,
She decided to forgive her one time best friend.

But can the dead take revenge for herself?
At this point she broke down, does someone knows what it feels like to be betrayed by your best friend?
Don’t rush to give an answer, especially if you’ve not had experience before.
However, it was a tough one for her, she laid on her bed and recalled the past, and then she slept off.
One would expect that, that would be her last but she finally woke up from her nap, and realized that the pain was gone.
That the vacuum was filled and she felt no hole in her heart.
The healing she was seeking for from diverse hospitals, the money she was ready to lavish for her freedom.
Just in one day of taking the decision, just in one day of being brave to let go of the hurt, the agony from a best friend
Gave her the one thing she needed so badly: freedom, healing and peace of mind.


Something that money could not be bought with.
Sometimes we hold the key to the miracle we’re looking for.
Unforgiveness, had created the hole in her heart but forgiveness filled it up.

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