Green||Nature Radiates

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago


With hands lifted high up in the skies
The pace is set
With no hurt and for iota of lies
Nature radiates.

They say that black shines brightest
What about blue? And yellow?
How about green?
Let me tell you a little something about green.

Many may not agree with me, but the colour green is soothing.
A walk in a green forest is more therapy than one could ever imagine
A stare at the colour green could send your mind to paradise.

With the mention of the word "Green"
Nature strikes at the back of your mind.
This is because green is beautiful
Green is natural
Green is a symbol of new beginnings

The colour green is associated with growth, fertility, logic, calmness and perfection
These and many more are the attributes of mother nature.

Mother nature is very lenient and forgiving
Irrespective of how we toss, turn misuse and disfigure the earth
She still create a safe space for everyone
How better could it get?

The least we could do to repay this kindness is
Plant a tree today.

This poem was inspired by the thumbnail photo. The thumbnail was photographed and edited with my mobile device. This is a tribute to nature.

Thank you for your time

With love, wongi ✨


Con las manos en alto en los cielos
El ritmo se establece
Sin dolor y sin una pizca de mentira
La naturaleza irradia

Dicen que el negro brilla más
¿Y el azul? ¿Y el amarillo?
¿Y el verde?
Déjame que te cuente algo sobre el verde.

Puede que muchos no estén de acuerdo conmigo, pero el color verde es relajante.
Un paseo por un bosque verde es más terapia de lo que uno pueda imaginar.
Una mirada al color verde puede enviar tu mente al paraíso.

Con la mención de la palabra "Verde"
la naturaleza se apodera de tu mente.
Porque el verde es bello
El verde es natural
El verde es símbolo de nuevos comienzos.

El color verde se asocia con el crecimiento, la fertilidad, la lógica, la calma y la perfección.
Estos y muchos más son los atributos de la madre naturaleza.

La madre naturaleza es muy indulgente e indulgente
Independientemente de cómo revolvamos, maltratemos y desfiguremos la tierra
Ella sigue creando un espacio seguro para todos
No hay nada mejor¿

Lo menos que podemos hacer para devolver esta amabilidad es
plantar un árbol hoy mismo.

Este poema está inspirado en la thumbnail de arriba. La thumbnail fue fotografiada y editada con mi dispositivo móvil. Es un homenaje a la naturaleza.

Gracias por su tiempo.

Con amor, Wongi.

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I subscribe to each of your verses, green is the color of life, as long as there is hope we will have plenty of green around us.

With your poem so reflective, I managed to visualize serenity and inner peace around me, but also an alert to take into account in our planet, since also in favor of change and development many trees are cut down.

I loved the photograph you used to inspire you.

I'm glad my piece of poetry was able to evoke these feelings and images in your heart and mind.

I really appreciate your stopping by. Thank you❣️

The colour green is associated with growth, fertility, logic, calmness and perfection
These and many more are the attributes of mother nature.

I also read that the color green has a measurable impact in our brain neurochemistry. It helps in minimizing pain because it helps with the release of dopamine. This might be one of the reasons why taking walks in the forest has been found to be good for overall well being.

Great poetry!

Now this fact doesn't surprise me at all. Taking walks in green fields has a lot of benefits.Nature comes with numerous perks.

Thank you so much for reading ✨

Very nice poem, I loved it, black is good to wear but green is peace is relaxation, is life for all of us, that thanks to that green is that we are still here breathing, we must be more conscious in what we do to save the only home we have, thank you for sharing this nice piece, hug ♥

You understood the perspective from Which I was trying to portray in this piece of poetry.

Thank you so much for Stopping by. I do appreciate it ✨

Mother nature is very lenient and forgiving
Irrespective of how we toss, turn misuse and disfigure the earth
She still create a safe space for everyone
How better could it get?
The least we could do to repay this kindness is
Plant a tree today.

I want plant a tree! I really do. Usually during my walks I would find some handsome pinecone or acorn and putting those in the ground, wishing, that in few years there will be few new leaves there:)

I guess that nature is quite forgiving, taking what we are doing with it 😕

I hope someday you get fully motivated to dig up the soil and place a plant or seed in there😃

taking what we are doing with it 😕

Indeed, nature is really forgiving. Humans themselves are even tired of what fellow humans are doing, then imagine how nature feels.😅

All these things that make someone to be imagining love in a fictional way🤣


This one was dedicated to nature.

Nature is happy already 🍀

Are you sure about that.

Very sure.
I'm in the bush right now.
I'm chasing rabbit🏃


Don't get chased in the process.🌝

Creo que hoy mas que nunca necesitamos ese verde que la naturaleza nos proporciona para relajarnos un poco de este mundo tan convulsionado, tu poema es un hermoso mensaje de paz, ese estado emocional que tanto necesitamos. Saludos @wongi.

Muchas veces, en nuestra vida cotidiana, nos olvidamos de devolver algo a la naturaleza. Deberíamos dedicar algo de tiempo de vez en cuando a devolverle algo a la tierra.

Muchas gracias por leer 😊.

I love the way you ask rhetorical questions... Its really a great poem.


Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting ✨