What We Can Learn From a Dog (original poem & video)

in Blockchain Poets3 years ago (edited)


Dog Ideal

without the need to stifle the cry of consciousness
through drink or drug or violent distraction,
disinclined to wreak havoc on self or other

free of the sustained illusion of written words
and images, with their enduring damage
or turning to the senseless spell of art for oblivion

their memories are not material
but perish at birth, still-born

always the present, unoppressed
by the burden of past or future
the unspoken and unspeakable

without the complication of human sophistication
or impossible longings beyond dog and dog world

they dream of food, shelter, air
and wake to find them there

without false divisions
among mind/body/soul
so without perversions

honest in their need to give and receive
a love neither tormented nor tormenting

nursing their wounds without meditation,
which is the creation of more suffering

a spirituality of the earth
a piety and humility that accepts
the man and God-given crumb
expects nothing

unconcerned with the pursuit of truth
and other lies
they live in Truth

never lost in the labyrinth of self
they are without self-image,
thus without self-deception

blissfully unaware of Schopenhauer's Pendulum
which from pain to boredom swings

their tails sway contentedly
always at home, in their bodies

nonchalantly, watching the world pass by
with benign curiosity and sideways glance
slipping in and out of untroubled sleep

they do not know the gloom
of deliberately darkened rooms

suspicions, fears and worries
real confounded with unfounded

or artificially purchased dreams
long after an inexhaustible mind
has exhausted its hapless frame

without question, they accept the deposits of Fate
without the added interest of personal doubts

questioning their place in the universe*

unconcerned with peace, justice
and other human nonsense

impervious to the charm of philosophy or psychology
the conceit of thought, the paralysis of analysis
all idle speculation, and monstrous civilization

neither prisoners of Time
nor victims of temperament

without necessary occupations
or unnecessary preoccupations
with sanity

out of reach
out of reach
out of reach…

work like a dog
live like a dog
die like a dog.

©Yahia Lababidi

I hope you enjoyed this meditation. Below, is a video of me reading it:


Wow this poem, so much emotion and truth within it, within wishing to attach itself to any truth at all. So well written. I really enjoyed this and found it very poignant to our times right now xxxx

Very gratifying to hear this. I wrote it with my all, out of a sense of personal, existential crisis and now, of course, we’re all in it together — in search of how to simplify our lives, while deepening them & give them meaning.

Many thanks, for reading it with an open heart 🙏🏽♥️


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Sorry, @melvinexplorer, I'm uncomfortable clicking on links, online, that are unaccompanied by a message. Wishing you well ✌️