Rainy days limit us in many ways, in my case it is difficult to go out in search of new shots, but I did not miss the opportunity and after a rainy day I decided to take some pictures of some drops of water that remained on the surface of the glass of a window.
I like to take these types of photographs because no matter how many you take they will never be the same, there are always differences and some stand out above others, but each one has something special to enjoy.
The condensed drops and grouped in a multitude create very interesting shapes and compositions, giving the appearance of roughness in the glass that seems to have a certain texture and irregular patterns.
In this image you can even see the clouds in the sky, I personally like it when you have to intuit what is behind the background since the lights and shadows create an interesting and striking composition.
This last image looks like a piece of abstract art, the shadow plays an important role since in the dark areas the drops and their groupings stand out a little more, making it possible to see a little more than in the light areas.