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RE: HIVE Quantum Resistance updates: Community bee-chat added, proposal at 11%, work started on low-level C++ library.

This is quite a giant stride you have taken and I hope it gets the necessary funding for this project to see the light of day. However, as a newbie on this platform I wish the hashtag for the HIVE quantum-resistance community can be used by me.


its a scam, hes just trying to look smart to get hive dao funds. no one uses hive so who cares about any of this? Its liek wasting time working on steem, nothing will ever be used so who cares? Just a nerd trying to work for himself and scam the world. creating 0 value

hive is going to end up liek golos $0.001 usd because theres no one coming in, peopel are leaving powering down, sick of loosing money

hive will end up abandoned like steem , all hive users will floood to new reward pool on @telosnetwork

i think this man is a homosexual , be careful mrenglish he may try to fuck u lol