What an exciting day isn't it? The Cub Finance is already on and many people both current members as well as completely new ones have joined the game.
The price of the cub token is already 13$-14$ and it reached that in a day so imagine the possibilities. Now to be completely honest when the airdrop will take place, the price of the cub token will drop as you imagine, but fear not it will rise in the following days!

Even The price of LEO went close to 1$ so imagine what will happen in the next few days as well. I made a post yesterday regarding that which i want all of you to visit and predict the price of LEO before the Summer!
Let's get back to Cub Finance. Let me tell you before i start my newbie guide that some people are already earning a lot right now. I don't think this will last as more and more people are joining as well as the airdrop will take place and the price will drop.

he gots the charisma) is currently earning around 1200$ an hour? Can you comprehend this? Note that earnings can change give all of the above that we said.As you can see above @empoderat the guys who always find new altcoin gems, (
Now i had some liquid LEO for that purpose alone in order to check the waters. On the contrary, i am a complete noob, and even though i read the very detailed https://docs.cubdefi.com/, i still had to ask stupid questions in order to be 100% certain.
What a Noob Like Me did to start Earning
So the first thing you have to do is download, set up Metamask and connect it with Binance Smart Chain which you find here. Now you can send there your respected tokens, i send for example bnb from Binance.
Note that from Binance you should withdraw the token to the BEP20 wallet (your Metamask) to which you have connected to the Binance smart chain beforehand.
Now the process is basically the following:
- You wrap your leo to bleo then
- You then add liquidity in the cub finance
- You choose the farm or vault you want in order to start earning.
- You Enjoy Profits
Wrapping your Leo
The first thing you have to do is visit this page https://wleo.io/bsc and in the option "LEO TO BLEO" you add your BSH address, the amount of liquid leo you want to wrap, your Hive account name and then you simply confirm it with your keychain
Now you have your wrapped leo or Bleo ready and you are one step closer to earning some CUB!
Adding Liquidity
Now you have to visit the page https://exchange.cubdefi.com/#/swap and simply click on the liquidity option in the center above and add the bleo amount you want. Note that you need to have the equivalent amount of the other altcoin you choose.

For, example if you want to do a bLEO-BNB and you choose to add 5$ worth of bLEO then you need to have deposited already in your wallet 5$ of BNB.
Then you simply click approve and then supply and you are done. You are now one step away from earning some CUB!
Choosing the Farm/vault you Want
Now the final step is to choose the farm you want and start earning some rewards. simply go to https://cubdefi.com/farms choose the farm you got the respected tokens/altcoins liquified, click approve, and then stake!
After you do that, you will start earning some CUB which you can either stake in a vault and enjoy a certain APR, use it on another farm and earn more, exchange them with other tokens and altcoins of your choice or simply hold them!
My Earnings so far
It's been around an hour since i am using Cub Finance and i am earning some cub. I am not someone with a lot of money, i almost got nothing and in that hour i have earned 3$ worth of cub!

If this keeps up like that i will earn 72$ per day, 504$ per week and 2016$ per month. It would be extremely awesome given the fact that the average salary in Greece is around 700-800 euro and the starting salary is close to 550-650 euro. The truth is that i don't think that huge earnings will last long but i hope i am wrong though!
Special thanks to @hykss for answering my stupid questions!
Do you got any Questions?
How much you have already earned?

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta