Death of Crypto/Blockchain Revolution?

I miss the OG Crypto Spirit...

Did everyone go soft? Forget what a Revolution means & is at the core?

Once upon a time, Blockchain & the first crypto was born, Bitcoin. Does anyone remember why it was born? Back in 2008 there was a major world financial crisis due to our currently still in control failing fiat/credit based financial system that's still doomed to fail & need to be reset at some point. Blockchain & crypto was/is supposed to be meant as a solution and replacement to our current financial slavery system that feeds the war-mongering socio/psychopaths/death cult Globalists that run the World through Central Banks. This revolution is what attracted & compelled me into crypto thinking that the 99% of the world would wake up and overthrow the 1% & we could rebuild using this Beautiful technology called Blockchain that solved the issue of not needing "trusted" middle-man entities such as Banks & bringing Sovereignty back to the masses therefore creating a new world founded on transparency, integrity, peace, & prosperity.

HODL was the name of the game, inject as much fiat into crypto as possible to feed the new system until the old one crumbles and decentralize away into breakaway civilizations/financial systems.

Bitcoin, in my opinion has primarily been hijacked at this point by BIG institutional money and almost feels pointless for your average person to get into at this point, therefore you could say I'm a Altcoin Maxi.

First I found Splinterlands, then I learned about the Chain it was on - Hive, and as I learned more about Hive Ecosystem, HBD etc. Really started to feel the potential of Hive as a legitimate breakaway Civilization/Financial System with its own algorithmic stable coin and so on. We really just need more payment systems to make use of Hive/HBD so no money ever has to be removed/extracted from the chain and fed back into the old failing fiat system. I'm aware there may be some projects here working on such innovations.

Unfortunately, everywhere I look within discord channels of the communities I'm part of, feels like the vast majority of people are always looking to make a quick buck and crying about prices of whatever projects' coin crashing as if its the developers fault of those projects... Really? What the heck do you expect when you're always trying to "earn money" from these projects rather than consistently re-invest and HODL. Also, why does everyone want to extract value back into their old dying/failing fiat financial systems that promote war, poverty, & feeding the 1% death cults that continue the financial slavery of the masses? If everyone had the HODL mindset these days and trusted the new technology more than the garbage banking system, & injected as much value whenever they personally could afford, token prices would go up rather than down, then instead of pulling out to your bank where your fiat value goes down every year due to currency debasement & inflation, put your earnings into HBD and at least value would never truly leave the ecosystem.

Completely feels like the Crypto Ethos is living in the Upside-down from Stranger Things. We need to re-ignite the flame of the Revolution mindset rather than letting greed steal value just like the 1% have done to us in the first place.

Anyways, just a personal rant to clear my mind.

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Prosperity, & Sovereignty for all Beings,

  • Raistlin of Nova Gaia ☯️👽🕉💜🌞

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