Ukusni Gurmanluci sa modernog grila - Delicious Gourmets from the modern grill

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Pozdrav Hiveri!
Pošto po prvi put probam staviti post o hrani ovde na Hive-u, a isto tako, po prvi put spremam speciajlitet, koji se sprema u Svajcarskoj, a zove se RAKLET (RACLETTE), želeo bih ovo iskustvo deliti sa vama, jer je jako interesantno, i stvarno, zimi je jako zanimljivo okupiti familiju i spremiti tako nešto, i svi budu srećni.
I ja sam ga spremio u našem domu.

Hello Hivers!
Since I am trying to post about food here on Hive for the first time, and also, for the first time I am preparing a specialty, which is being prepared in Switzerland, called RACLETTE, I would like to share this experience with you, because it is very interesting, and really, in winter it is very interesting to gather the family and prepare something like that, and everyone will be happy.
And I saved it in our home.


Ovaj specijaltiet smo upoznali kod naših drugara, koji su takođe Hiveri, @getron i @obsesija, i koji nam takođe pomažu oko upoznavanje Hive-a, a oni su se vratili iz Švajcarske kući u Srbiji pre par godina, a pošto su živeli puno godina tamo, naravno, i navikli na te Švajcarske specijaltiete, pa smo jedno veče bili kod njih, bili nas pozvali da probaj ovaj specijalitet, i onda su se moja deca oduševila sa topljenim sirom, tako da smo rešili da ga i mi kupimo i imamo u našem domu, jer je stvarno prelepo kad vidimo da su nam deca zadovoljna i srećna uz ovaj specijaltet, dok večeramo za stolom.

We met this specialty with our friends, who are also Hiveri, @getron and @obsesija, and who also help us get to know Hive, and they returned from a Swiss house in Serbia a couple of years ago, and since they lived for many years there, of course, we got used to these Swiss specialties, so we were with them one night, they invited us to try this specialty, and then my children were delighted with the melted cheese, so we decided to buy it ourselves and have it in our home, because it is really beautiful when we see that our children are satisfied and happy with this specialty, while we have dinner at the table.



To je topljeni kačkavalj, koji se sluzi sa kuvanim krompirićima, kiselim krastavcima, i svega što volite uz to.Ja sam pored toga spremio i na ploci ispekao jos ponesto, kao što je slanina, šunka, a može i šampinjoni, paprika, jaje, i sve što bukvalno volite da imate i spremite na grilu.

It is melted cheese, which is served with boiled potatoes, pickles, and everything you like about it. I also prepared and baked something else on the plate, such as bacon, ham, and maybe mushrooms, peppers, eggs, and everything you literally love to have and store on the grill.

It is a melted cheese that is served with boiled potatoes. In addition, I prepared and baked some more on the plate.


Pošto je to gril, koji ujedno možete 2 ili čak 3 stvari da uradite, znači, ispod se stavlja sir u tim, kao lopaticama, i on se topi. U sredini su mu grejači, i ujedno, gore je gril, na kome možete bilo šta što volite da ispržite. Pored grila, ima i dodatnu ploču od keramike, na kojoj možete, na primer, ispržiti hleb, peći jaje, ili tako nešto. Stvarno je multifunkcionalan, a sve je to jako ukusno, a tek mirisi, kad se iskombinuju, miris topljenog, rež pečenog kačkavalja, sa mirisima ispržene slanine i šunke... A deca, deca su tek bila oduševljena sa grilom i sa topljenim sirom.
Kao sir, možete koristiti bilo koji sir koji se topi, iako u Švajcarskoj ima taj sir, koji se zove RACLETTE, po kojim je i ovaj gril dobio ime, možete primer, kod nas u Srbiji ima Trapist sir, koji je pakovan u crvenom pakovanju, i jako je dobar kad se topi, pogotovo u ovaj gril.

Since it is a grill, which you can do 2 or even 3 things at the same time, it means that cheese is put in it under it, like spatulas, and it melts. There are heaters in the middle, and at the same time, there is a grill on top, where you can fry anything you like. In addition to the grill, there is an additional ceramic plate, on which you can, for example, fry bread, bake an egg, or something like that. It is really multifunctional, and all that is very tasty, and only the smells, when combined, the smell of melted, sliced ​​roasted cheese, with the smells of fried bacon and ham ... And the children, the children were just delighted with the grill and melted cheese.
As a cheese, you can use any cheese that melts, although in Switzerland there is this cheese, which is called RACLETTE, after which this grill is named, you can example, here in Serbia there is Trappist cheese, which is packed in red packaging , and is very good when melted, especially in this grill.


Na ploči sam malo ispržio domaću slaninicu, kulen i šunku. Sve je preukusno i treba probati.

I fried homemade bacon, kulen and ham on the plate. Everything is delicious and worth a try.
Bon appetit.

Pozdrav od vašeg Bojana -pčelara

Greetings from your Bojan-beekeeper


Izgleda ukusno,a verujem i da jeste...prijatno,pozdrav

Extra ukusno.
Pozdrav drug.

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