My introduction to everyone Moje upoznavanje sa svima

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Pozdrav Hiver-i

What's up Hivers

Zovem se Antal. Rodjen sam u jednom malom ali lepom gradu Vrscu 2003. godine.

My name is Antal. I was born in a small but beautiful town of Vrsac in 2003.


Volim da treniram i u slobodno vreme se bavim street workoutom, crtanjem i pisanjem pesama.

I like to train and while im free I like to do street workout, drawing and writing songs.



Zavrsio sam Poljoprivrednu skolu u Vrscu smer pekar i nakon kratkog vremena se zaposlio u pitari Kucerak u Vrscu.

I graduated from the Agricultural School in Vrsac majoring in baking and after a short time I got a job in the Kucerak bakery in Vrsac



Naravno kao i 90% ljudi sa balkana bio sam veoma skeptican oko crypto sveta pa sam bas iz tog razloga zeleo da probam nesto ovako i posle samo 2 casa sa @getron👈 sve mi je dosta vise imalo smisla. Naravno idalje znam dosta malo o ovom crypto svetu ali sam voljan da naucim puno vise tako da bi svaki savet,ideja kao i kritika bili i vise nego dobrodosli❤️

Of course, like 90% of people from the Balkan,I was very skeptical about the crypto world so for that very reason I wanted to try something like this and after only 2 classes with @getron👈 everything made a lot more sense to me. Of course I still know very little about this crypto world but I am willing to learn a lot more so any advice,ideas or criticism would be more than welcome❤️.

Na mom blogu bice raznog kontenta,ideja i slicno trudicu se da budem sto aktivniji i da objavljujem sto cesce.

There will be various content, ideas and similar on my blog I will try to be as active as possible and publish as often as possible.

Ovo je bilo nesto malo o meni nadam se da cemo se lepo druziti na ovoj platformi i da cu nauciti jos puno stvari o ovom meni nepoznatom svetu,nadam se da ce vam se svideti moj kontent 😀

This was a little something about me I hope that we will have a good time on this platform and that I will learn many more things about this unknown world to me I hope that you will like my content😘

Pozdrav Hiver-i

See ya Hivers


Welcome to HIVE my friend ✌😁

Thank you👊😀

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Welcome 👋👋👋

Thanks 😀


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