Dolazi zima -Winter is coming

in BANAT2 years ago

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Svake godine kupujemo drva za našu kaljevu peć. Uglavnom se drva nabavljaju tokom leta, da bi se dobro osušila i pripremila za grejnu sezonu. Međutim ove godine zbog energetske krize nastale ratom u Ukrajini,a kroz medije stižu vesti da neće biti dovoljno prirodnog gasa i struje. Svedoci smo da cene energenata iz dana u dan rastu.To je razlog da mnogi moji sugrađani koji do sada nisu koristili drva kao energent nabavili su drva za ovogodišnju grejnu sezonu. Zbog velike potražnje za drvima i nama su sa zakašnjenjem u ponedeljak, 31.oktobra stigla prva tura drva od bagrema za prestojeću grejnu sezonu.

Every year we buy wood for our clay stove. Wood is mostly procured during the summer, in order to dry it well and prepare it for the heating season. However, this year, due to the energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, and news is coming through the media that there will not be enough natural gas and electricity. We are witnessing that the prices of energy products are increasing day by day. This is the reason that many of my fellow citizens who have not used wood as an energy source until now have purchased wood for this year's heating season. Due to the high demand for wood, the first round of acacia wood for the upcoming heating season arrived late on Monday, October 31st.

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Drva su stigla u oblicima koje je moj drugar Johan jutros na svom specijalnom cirkularu isekao. Nažalost nisam napravio ni jednu fotku dok je Johan sa svojim pomoćnikom isekao šest kubnih metara.

The wood arrived in the shapes that my friend Johan cut on his special circular saw this morning. Unfortunately, I didn't take a single photo while Johan and his assistant cut six cubic meters.

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Danas je iz Beograda stigao moj mlađi sin da mi pomogne da unesemo i složimo drva. U kući postoji mesto u dvorištu koje je natkriveno i štiti drva od kiše i snega. Moram vam priznati da mi je prijala ova fizička aktivnost. Moja obaveza je bila da punim kolica i guram do Nemanje, koji je drva slagao. Za nekih dva sata rada uspeli smo da unesemo i složimo oko 2 do 3 kubna metra. A onda je stigla pomoć u obliku dva Nemanjina drugara. Došli su Danilo i Nemanja koji su nam pomogli da lakše završimo započeti posao.

Today, my younger son arrived from Belgrade to help me bring in and stack wood. In the house there is a place in the yard that is covered and protects the wood from rain and snow. I have to admit that I enjoyed this physical activity. My duty was to load the cart and push it to Nemanja, who was stacking wood. In about two hours of work, we managed to bring in and stack about 2 to 3 cubic meters. And then help arrived in the form of two of Nemanja's friends. Danilo and Nemanja came and helped us finish the work we started more easily.

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Ima ona pesma koja je bila hit krajem sedamdesetih godina "Dolazi zima, duga i hladna...". U kući imamo ugrađeno etažno grejanje koje je vezano za prirodni gas i struju, ali tu je i "Kaljeva peć" koja nam daje sigurnost da će zima biti u našoj kući topla.

There is that song that was a hit in the late seventies "Winter is coming, long and cold...". In the house, we have built-in floor heating, which is connected to natural gas and electricity, but there is also a "Kaljeva peć"-"brick oven" which gives us the certainty that the winter will be warm in our house.

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Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!


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There is no way not to enjoy this activity - bringing in and arranging the firewood. On a subconscious and every level. You know what you are doing and what will be the result of this activity - you will be warm in winter! 🥳 Unfortunately, this year, due to the high prices of wood, we have not bought any. We will rely on electricity, wherever that takes us. 😕
Hi @djuramrdja, it will be really great if you interact with other users on this wonderful platform. This will make your account grow faster and will add more value to it.

There is no way not to enjoy this activity - bringing in and arranging the firewood. On a subconscious and every level. You know what you are doing and what will be the result of this activity - you will be warm in winter! 🥳 Unfortunately, this year, due to the high prices of wood, we have not bought any. We will rely on electricity, wherever that takes us. 😕
Hi @djuramrdja, it will be really great if you interact with other users on this wonderful platform. This will make your account grow faster and will add more value to it.
From my many years of experience, we only heat well with wood during the winter. Thanks for the kind words. I will try to interact with others. First of all, I am interested in my blogs that I share with you. It will probably accelerate the growth and stability of my account.

Hi @djuramrdja! Congratulations, for the implementation of all these preventive measures in order to receive this year's winter, I am glad that this activity has been pleasant and with that formidable and supportive work team.

Hi @djuramrdja! Congratulations, for the implementation of all these preventive measures in order to receive this year's winter, I am glad that this activity has been pleasant and with that formidable and supportive work team.

Thank you! The team was perfect. Another tour will arrive in a month. Greeting

It is wonderful in cooperation, the work is lightened, it is completed in less time and the results are better. Congratulations for this great team.