Festival u Ablaianu 🪅🎻🎻🎻🎉 Festival in Ablaian

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

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Ovo leto je puno lepih iznenađenja. Moja supruga Tanja i ja dobili smo poziv od Nacionalnog saveta češke nacionalne manjine, odnosno gospođe Ljiljane Stehlik, predsednice Nacionalnog saveta da budemo gosti na Gastromonskoj manifestaciji „Paprikašijada“ i „Rock festival Srpski Banat“ u Češkom selu.
Nažalost nismo stigli da probamo paprikaše koje su spremali majstori kulinarstva, ali zato smo uživali u dobroj svirci.

This summer is full of nice surprises. My wife Tanja and I received an invitation from the National Council of the Czech National Minority, that is, Mrs. Ljiljana Stehlik, the president of the National Council, to be guests at the Gastromon event "Paprikašijada" and "Rock Festival Serbian Banat" in České Selo.
Unfortunately, we didn't get to try the stews prepared by the culinary masters, but that's why we enjoyed a good concert.

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Pre dvadeset i četiri godine snimio sam za RTS dokumentarni film „Nekada Fabijan, a danas Češko selo“.
Tada je u selu živelo oko tridesetak duša, uglavnom starijih ljudi. Mnoge kuće su bile napuštene i sklone padu. U sećanju mi je ostala zgrada seoske škole koja je zarasla u šiblju i korovu. Zgrada je bila devastirana, prozori i vrata razvaljeni, tavanica se obrušavala. Dva bivša učenika Jaroslav Leksa i Miroslav Bužek su nekako uspeli da sa tv ekipom uđu u zgradu škole da bi mi pokazali svoju učionicu. U školi smo zatekli stari globus, karte i skamije u kojima su nekada sedeli učenici škole.
Film su videli ljudi iz Češke ambasade i tako počinje obnova zgrade i sređivanje dvorišta. Danas dvadeset godina kasnije Češko selo je značajno za Češku manjinu. U zgradi škole je zavičajni muzej- „Češka beseda“.

Twenty-four years ago, I shot the RTS documentary film "Once Fabijan, but today the Czech village".
At that time, about thirty souls lived in the village, mostly elderly people. Many houses were abandoned and prone to collapse. I remember the village school building that was overgrown with bushes and weeds. The building was devastated, the windows and doors were broken, the ceiling was collapsing. Two former students, Jaroslav Leksa and Miroslav Bužek, somehow managed to enter the school building with the TV crew to show me their classroom. In the school, we found an old globe, maps and benches where school students used to sit.
The film was seen by people from the Czech Embassy, ​​and thus began the renovation of the building and the tidying up of the yard. Today, twenty years later, the Czech village is significant for the Czech minority. In the school building there is a native museum - "Czech Beseda"

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Mnoge manifestacije se održavaju u selu iako danas tu živi samo desetak stanovnika. Preko leta selo je puno. Organizuju se razne manifestacije. Dolaze gosti iz Češke. Na Rock festivalu i Paprikašijadi bilo je preko stotinjak uglavnom mladih Čeha iz Praga i drugih gradova Češke. Pored njih puno ljudi iz Bele Crkve, Vršca i drugih okolnih mesta. Tako da je na Paprikašijadi i Rock festivalu bilo preko 1500 - 2000 posetilaca.
Sve to se dešava zahvaljujući Nacionalnom savetu Čeha u Srbiji i predsednici Nacionalnog saveta Ljiljani Stehlik uz podršku Češke ambasade i ambasadora Tomaša Kuhta, Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Češke Republike, Ministarstva za ljudska i manjinska prava Republike Srbije i lokalne samouprave opštine Bela Crkva.

Many events are held in the village, even though only ten inhabitants live there today. During the summer, the village is full. Various events are organized. Guests are coming from the Czech Republic. At the Rock Festival and Paprikashijada there were over a hundred mostly young Czechs from Prague and other Czech cities. Besides them, many people from Bela Crkva, Vršac and other surrounding places. So there were over 1,500 - 2,000 visitors at Paprikashijada and the Rock Festival.
All this is happening thanks to the National Council of Czechs in Serbia and the President of the National Council Ljiljana Stehlik with the support of the Czech Embassy and Ambassador Tomas Kuht, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of the Republic of Serbia and the local government of Bela Crkva municipality.

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Rock festival je otvorila Milena Stojanović &THE TWILIGHT D.C., potom su nastupili gosti iz Češke HARMALEK ORCHESTR, koji je podigao atmosferu do usijanja. Zatim gost iz Crne Gore KNEZ, pa grupa ORASI i DJ RIZIKKO. Svirka je završena u ranim jutarnjim satima. Svirka i boravak u Češkom selu su jedan od najlepših događajea ovog leta. Život ne može da stane!

The rock festival was opened by Milena Stojanović & THE TWILIGHT D.C., then guests from the Czech Republic, HARMALEK ORCHESTR, performed, which raised the atmosphere to a fever pitch. Then the guest from Montenegro KNEZ, then the group ORASI and DJ RIZIKKO. The gig ended in the early hours of the morning. The concert and stay in the Czech village is one of the most beautiful events of this summer.

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Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!


That's right. Enjoy, we don't waste a single moment of joy and enjoyment!


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This looks like a lot of fun. Nice to see you getting out and enjoying yourself.

Thank's dear friend!