Kretanje je život - Dunavska regata - Movement is life - Danube Regatta

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)


TID - Dunavska regata. Ove godine se održava 67. Dunavska TID regata. Regata traje 75 dana i vesla se Dunavom u dužini od 2080 km. Kreće iz nemačkog grada Ingolštata 26.juna, a završava se 28.avgusta u bugarskom gradu Silistri. U Srbiju ulazi krajem jula kod Apatina, a izlazi sredinom avgusta kod Brze Palanke. Pravilo je da se vesla čamcima kajak-kanuima po etapama. U ovom tekstu prenosim svoje utiske sa TID-a 2021., kada se zbog pandemije Corone veslalo samo kroz Srbiju. Došli su učesnici iz Nemačke, Austrija, Mađarske, Slovačke, Engleske, Hrvatske, Srbije... Od Apatina do Đerdapa. Ja sam se priključio regati 31.jula.2021.

TID - Danube Regatta. This year, the 67th Danube TID regatta is being held. The regatta lasts 75 days and is rowed along the Danube in a length of 2080 km. It starts from the German city of Ingolstadt on June 26, and ends on August 28 in the Bulgarian city of Silistra. It enters Serbia at the end of July at Apatin, and leaves at the middle of August at Brza Palanka. The rule is to row boats, kayaks and canoes in stages. In this text, I convey my impressions from TID 2021, when due to the Corona pandemic, rowing was only through Serbia. Participants came from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, England, Croatia, Serbia... From Apatin to Đerdap. I joined the regatta on July 31, 2021.

TID dva

TID tri

TID četiri

Prva etapa : Bačko Novo Selo - Bačka Palanka. Prošli smo pored Šarengrada i Iloka u Hrvatskoj. Kupali se na prelepoj plaži Tikvari kod Bačke Palanke...Bio sam zajedno sa nekim dragim ljudima sa kojima sam imao priliku da veslam na Tamiškoj regati 2020.: Aca, Borča, Đura, Kličko, Zeka, Radojac, Juga, Joca, Bora... upoznao sam i neke nove regataše kao Dejana Jovanovića organizatora Dunavske regate u Srbiji. Kamp smo podigli na kupalištu u rukavcu Bager u blizini “Čarde Kaloš”.

First stage: Bačko Novo Selo - Bačka Palanka. We passed by Šarengrad and Ilok in Croatia. They were swimming on the beautiful Tikvari beach near Bačka Palanka...I was together with some dear people with whom I had the opportunity to row at the Tamiska Regatta 2020: Aca, Borča, Đura, Klitschko, Zeka, Radojac, Juga, Joca, Bora. .. I also met some new regatta players like Dejan Jovanović, the organizer of the Danube Regatta in Serbia. We set up camp at the bathing area in Bager creek near "Čarde Kaloš".

TID pet

TID šest

TID sedam

1.avgust 2021. Etapa: Bačka Palanka - Banoštor. Jutros je došao moj mali drug Ilija iz Bačke Palanke koji mi je pomogao prethodno veče da podignem svoj šator. Ilija je došao da isprati regatu i da se pozdravimo. Prošli pored Neštinske ade gde smo na sprudu proveli lepe trenutku. Ovde priroda nije štedela na svojoj lepoti.

August 1, 2021. Stage: Bačka Palanka - Banoštor. This morning, my little friend Ilija came from Backa Palanka, who helped me set up my tent the previous evening. Ilija came to see off the regatta and to say goodbye. We passed by Nestinska ada, where we spent a nice moment on the shore. Nature has not spared its beauty here.

TID osam

TID devet

TID deset


U Čelarevu druženje regetaša uz dobru klopu koju je organizovao Radojac pokvario je vetar i najavio nevreme. Međutim oblaci su se brzo razišli, a posade bezbedno stigli u Banoštor. Podigli smo šatore I formirali kamp u centru Banoštora.

In Čelarev, the gathering of regatta players with a good club organized by Radojac was spoiled by the wind and heralded a storm. However, the clouds quickly dispersed, and the crews arrived safely in Banoštor. We erected tents and formed a camp in the center of Banoštor.

TID dvanaest

Program za to veče je bio da se poseti “Vinarija Stojković”. Poseta porodici Stojković ostala mi je u lepom sećanju.

The program for that evening was to visit the Stojković Winery. The visit to the Stojković family remained in my fond memory.

Život ne može da stane.

Life cannot stop.

Moj izvor sa mog Facebook profila - My source from my Facebook profile:


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