Piano festival Aisa&Friends u Vršcu -Piano festival Aisa&Friends in Vršac

in BANAT2 years ago


Dve zemlje Japan i Srbija ove godine obeležavaju 140 godina prijateljstva. Povodom ovog međudržavnog jubileja održan je Međunarodni Piano Festival Aisa&Friends.

The two countries Japan and Serbia are celebrating 140 years of friendship this year. On the occasion of this international jubilee, the International Piano Festival Aisa&Friends was held.

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Festival je svećano otvoren u nedelju, 23.oktobra u Beogradskoj filharmoniji koncertom Aise Iđiri, Steinwaj umetnice. Pored Aise nastupila je i kompozitorka i pijanistkinja Maiko Mori.
Potom je 24.oktobra na Beogradskom Kolarcu prestižnoj muzičkoj dvorani održan Gala koncert mladih pijanista. Ovi umetnici su pobednici prošlogodišnjeg Međunarodnog takmičenja Montecatini International Piano Competition koji je održan u Italiji.

The festival was officially opened on Sunday, October 23 at the Belgrade Philharmonic with a concert by Aisa Iđiri, a Steinway artist. In addition to Aisa, the composer and pianist Maiko Mori also performed.
Then, on October 24, a gala concert of young pianists was held at the prestigious music hall in Belgrade Kolarc. These artists are winners of last year's Montecatini International Piano Competition held in Italy.

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Nakon dve koncertne večeri u Beogradu, Festival se preselio u Vršac u Kongresno-muzičku dvoranu Centra Millennium. Za vreme pet festivalskih dana sa pravom se može reći da je "svet" bio u Vršcu. Održani su koncerti, radionice i masterklasovi za preko 20 mladih talenata - učenika osnovnih i srednjih muzičkih škola. Umetnice Aisa Iđiri i Maiko Mori podelile su sa klavirskim pedagozima i njihovim talentovanim učenicima iz Srbije iskrenu radost muziciranja.

After two concert nights in Belgrade, the Festival moved to Vršac to the Congress and Music Hall of the Millennium Center. During the five festival days, it can rightly be said that "the world" was in Vršac. Concerts, workshops and masterclasses were held for over 20 young talents - students of primary and secondary music schools. Artists Aisa Iđiri and Maiko Mori shared the sincere joy of making music with piano pedagogues and their talented students from Serbia.

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U subotu, 29.oktobra u prelepoj Kongersno-muzičkoj dvorani Centa Millennium održano je veliko finale. Takmičili su se mladi pijanisti iz Srbije, Ukrajine, Tajvana, Japana, Rusije,USA... Pobednik je Kenichiro Kojima (Japana), 2.mesto osvojio je mladi pijanista Edward Lenng (USA) i treći je bio pijanista Asagi Nakata (Japan)

On Saturday, October 29, the grand finale was held in the beautiful Centa Millennium Congress and Music Hall. Young pianists from Serbia, Ukraine, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, USA competed... The winner was Kenichiro Kojima (Japan), the 2nd place was won by the young pianist Edward Lenng (USA) and the third was pianist Asagi Nakata (Japan).

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Sa pravom se može reči da je Internacionalni festival Aisa&Friends bio privilegija za sve učesnike kao i za svakog ljubitelja kulture i umetnosti. "Svet" koji je bio pet dana u Vršcu, potvrdio je prijateljstvo dva naroda i dveju kultura, a time označio vreme prvih 140 godina prijateljstva, uvažavanja i tolerancije dve udaljene, ali nadasve bliske zemlje - Japana i Srbije.

It can rightly be said that the Aisa&Friends International Festival was a privilege for all participants as well as for every culture and art lover. The "World", which was in Vršac for five days, confirmed the friendship of two peoples and two cultures, thereby marking the time of the first 140 years of friendship, respect and tolerance between two distant, but above all close countries - Japan and Serbia.

Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!


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