Život ne može da stane - Life cannot stop

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Život ne može da stane dragi Hiveri!
Evo mog prvog bloga kojim se obračam vama.


Moje ime je Đura. Živeo sam u Beogradu i Novom Sadu. Radio sam kao urednik i reditelj na RTS-u i RTV-u. Svoju karijeru počeo sam na filmu sada već davne 1984. godine kada je Inex film iz Beograda u koprodukciji sa Ejkon film iz Minhena snimao film o izgradnji prve pruge u Nemačkoj. Od tada počinje moj profesionalni angažman na filmu, televiziji i pozorištu. Danas, živim u lepom banatskom gradu Vršcu. Život u Vršcu ima svoje prednosti u odnosu na život u Beogradu i Novom Sadu. Dosta vremena provodim na Vršačkim planinama, u Deliblatskoj pešćari. Odlazim na reke koje su u neposrednoj blizini: Karaš koji je naš banatski Amazon i na lepu planinsku reku Neru koja se sa Karpata iz susedne Rumunije spušta u ravnicu i uliva se u Dunav. Moja interesovanja su mnoga. Volim prirodu, životinje. Šetam, plivam, veslam i igram košarku. Nekada sam trčao polumaratone. Dosta čitam i istražujem „novi svet“.
Zahvalan sam @vragolana koja me je uputila u Hive-u i mom učitelju @getron koji me je uveo u Hive i kripto svet.
Sada malo o mojoj profesionalnoj karijeri. Snimao sam dokumentarne i umetničke filmove. Bavio se pozorištem. Bio direktor i selektor Festivala klasike. Trenutno pripremam sa mojim kolegama dugometražni dokumentarni film po mom scenariju i u mojoj režiji. U svojim emisijama i filmovima posvetio sam veliki prostor Banatu. Serija o salašima – «Bele kuće u daljini», «Jedan dan na salašu», «Paorska kuća»; zatim iz serije «To sam ja» emisije «Gudurica», «Stara Palanka – vrata istorije», «Nekad Fabijan – danas Češko selo» koja priča o češkoj manjini u Vojvodini, «Zvona Mite Sarača», «Miga Balan iz Ilandže», «Anton Barabaš», «Banatske priče». Potom serija o banatskim vozovima «Pruge kojih više nema» u tri epizode: «Sećanje na banatske vozove», «Nikola i drugovi» i «Vozovi još uvek sviraju». Zatim emisije „Lov i vino“, „Varošarije“,
Filmovi: „Duja“, „Put uspeha“, „Košarkaš Željko Vučurović“ „To sam ja- Dragoljub Ljuba Vidačić“, „Maša“ su posvećene vršačkoj košarci. Pored njih urađen je, emitovan i prikazan na međunarodnim festivalima TV film u formi spota: „Hemofarm šampioni – Jockeri milioni“. Film „Vukovi i vozovi“ je adaptacija poezije vršačke pesnikinje Jelene Marinković, film „ Mirno vreme“ je adaptacija poezije Dušana Belče i film „ Lepa varoš V “ Film iz serije „Pesničke vedrine“- pesnika Vaska Pope. O velikom pesniku snimo sam i dokumentarni film iz dva dela MIT I MAGIJA.
U okviru serije Portreti izdvajam filmove: „Alegorijanac Gera“, „Od koša do trona“, „Predeo obojen zavičajem“, „Ozrenov Dolić“, „Šimonove tajne“, „Velikan srpske veterine – Zlatibor Petrović“...
Posebno izdvajam film „Baba Anujka“, priča o velikoj banatskoj trovačici. Ovaj tv film imao je visoki rejting gledanosti, a na festivalima etno filma dobila je specijalnu nagradu u Kučevu 2008.g i bio u zvaničnoj selekciji Međunarodnog festivala etno filma u Beogradu 2008.g.
Putopis „Stara Palanka - vrata beskraja“ emisija koja je na II međunarodnom festivalu Europress – Travel fest među više od 100 radova iz 15 zemalja osvojila drugu nagradu festivala.
Dokumentarni film „Duni vetre“ i emisije „Banatske priče“, „Život knjige – U slavu Vršačkih biblioteka“, igrano-dokumentarni zapis „Živo meso Vaska Pope“ su emisije koje su svojim kvalitetom obezbedile dobru gledanost.
Posebno izdvajam dva filma koji su posvećeni velikom srpskom slikaru Paji Jovanoviću i šahisti Bori Kostiću. Film o Paji Jovanoviću, snimljen je povodom obeležavanja velikog jubileja, pod nazivom: „ Život je divan san “. Film o prvom srpskom šahovskom velemajstoru je emitovan u seriji: „ Daleko u nama – Čika Bora“.
Verujem da ću uspeti svojim tekstovima da privučem vašu pažnju. Pisaću o prirodi,kulturi, sportu,kuvaču za vas. Biće lepih priča iz života u formi kratkih eseja. Sve tekstove ilustrovaću fotkama i snimcima. Pored toga imaćete priliku i da pogledate inserte iz mojih dokumentarnih televizijskih emisija.
Svaki moj tekst će se završavati sa rečenicom „Život ne može da stane“. Pa tako dragi prijatelji koji pratite moje blogove preko Hive-a i @banat zajednice do sledećeg bloga: „Život ne može da stane“!

Life can't stop dear Hivers!


Here is my first blog addressing you. My name is Djura. I lived in Belgrade and Novi Sad. I worked as an editor and director at RTS and RTV. I started my career in film back in 1984, when Inex Film from Belgrade, in co-production with Akon Film from Munich, shot a film about the construction of the first railway in Germany. Since then, my professional involvement in film, television and theater began. Today, I live in the beautiful Banat town of Vršac. Life in Vršac has its advantages compared to life in Belgrade and Novi Sad. I spend a lot of time in the Vršac mountains, in the Deliblata sandstone. I go to the rivers that are in the immediate vicinity: Karaš, which is our Banat Amazon, and to the beautiful mountain river Nera, which descends from the Carpathians in neighboring Romania into the plain and flows into the Danube. My interests are many. I love nature, animals. I walk, swim, row and play basketball. I used to run half marathons. I read a lot and explore the "new world".
I am grateful to @vragolana who introduced me to Hive and my teacher @getron who introduced me to Hive and the crypto world.
Now a little about my professional career. I shot documentaries and art films. He was engaged in theater. He was the director and selector of the Classics Festival. I am currently preparing a feature-length documentary with my colleagues based on my script and directed by me. In my shows and films, I devoted a lot of space to Banat. Series about farms - "White houses in the distance", "One day on the farm", "Paorska house"; then from the series "That's me" of the show "Gudurica", "Stara Palanka - the door to history", "Once upon a time Fabijan - today a Czech village" which tells about the Czech minority in Vojvodina, "The Bells of Mita Sarač", "Miga Balan from Ilandža", "Anton Barabaš", "Banat stories". Then the series about the Banat trains "Railways that are no longer there" in three episodes: "Memory of the Banat trains", "Nikola and friends" and "The trains are still playing". Then the shows "Hunting and Wine", "Varošarije",
The films: "Duja", "Path of Success", "Basketballer Željko Vučurović", "It's me - Dragoljub Ljuba Vidačić", "Maša" are dedicated to Vrsac basketball. In addition to them, a TV movie in the form of a video clip was made, broadcast and shown at international festivals: "Hemofarm champions - Jockeri milioni". The film "Wolves and Trains" is an adaptation of the poetry of the Vrsac poet Jelena Marinković, the film "Mirno vreme" is an adaptation of the poetry of Dušan Belča and the film "Lepa varoš V" is a film from the series "Poetic Serenity" by the poet Vasko Popa. We also shot a two-part documentary film about the great poet, MYTH AND MAGIC.
Within the series Portraits, I single out the following films: "Allegorian of Gera", "From the basket to the throne", "Landscape colored by the homeland", "Ozrenov Dolić", "Šimon's secrets", "The great Serbian veterinarian - Zlatibor Petrović"...
I especially single out the film "Baba Anujka", the story of the great poisoner of Banat. This TV movie had a high audience rating, and at ethno film festivals it won a special award in Kučevo in 2008 and was in the official selection of the International Ethno Film Festival in Belgrade in 2008.
The travelogue "Stara Palanka - the door to infinity" show that won the second prize of the festival among more than 100 works from 15 countries at the 2nd international festival Europress - Travel fest.
The documentary film "Blowing Winds" and the shows "Banat stories", "Life of a book - In honor of the Vršac libraries", feature-documentary "The Live Meat of Vaska Pope" are shows that have ensured good viewership due to their quality.
I would like to single out two films dedicated to the great Serbian painter Paja Jovanović and chess player Bora Kostić. The film about Paja Jovanović was filmed on the occasion of the celebration of the great jubilee, under the title: "Life is a wonderful dream". The film about the first Serbian chess grandmaster was broadcast in the series: "Far away in us - Chika Bora".
I believe that I will be able to attract your attention with my texts. I will write about nature, culture, sports, chef for you. There will be beautiful stories from life in the form of short essays. I will illustrate all the texts with photos and videos. In addition, you will have the opportunity to watch inserts from my documentary television shows.
Each of my texts will end with the sentence "Life can't stop". So dear friends who follow my blogs via Hive and the @banat community until the next blog: "Life can't stop"!


Život ne može da stane


Welcome to peakd and Hive! Did you know that there are many different websites powered by Hive? If you enjoy travel blogging check out TravelFeed.io :) See you around @djuramrdja!

Thanks for the information! I will take a look these days. Greetings!

Hey @djuramrdja! This is @indayclara from the @ocd team. Congratulations and welcome to Hive!

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Dobrodošao @djuramrdja !!!



Welcome djuramrdja!
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Hellooo @djuramrdja,
Welcome to Hive Ecosystem! ♦️

Excellent introduction, I loved the post!

Here you will find a very healthy network.
Where you have freedom of speech and receive a lot of support for your effortin creating content.
I hope to see you flying through the communities and staying forever in Hive!
Nice to meet you!

I invite everyone to participate in the communities: HiveBR, MusicHive and SkateHive.
In addition to being a content creator, I am a Moderator and Curator in these communities.
Let's exchange ideas and evolve together.

Boelter hugs straight from Brasil!


Thanks for the welcome. My flight depends on you dear friends.

Hello, and welcome! When I was growing up, I had a few friends in Belgrade... the small town in central Minnesota, that is.

May I suggest adding an empty line to space out your paragraphs? The text is easier to read on a screen that way. I will delegate some Hive Power to help you practice with more posts and comments!

Thanks for the welcome. I still can't figure it out, but thanks for the advice. Every help is welcome. Greeting!

Hello again! I removed the delegation after about 2 weeks, but it looks like someone else is supporting your account more than I ever did. It means your vote carries more weight and you can do more things each day, like comment or post.