No one gives a FUCK about what are you doing

in BANAT2 years ago

Social Anxiety and low self esteem are some things that are most common with people nowdays, and it's connected to the perspective of view, not our view, but what they see, what other people think of me and my actions. How do i look in their eyes? What will they tell me when they see that project online, or picture or youtube video, etc.. What if they bully me and make me feel miserabale because they don,t like my video there or because i look ugly or because i am not tall, or because i have big nose, or acne on my face, or i dont't know, my family is poor. Anxiety anf low self esteem,asked those question.
But the truth is no one gives a fuck about you, or what are you doing in your life, (expect if you are a celebrity hahaha)
They don't spend hours of their day to look at you and ehat are you doing, or what you wear, etc.. They are busy with themself, as you should to. Doesn't it look pathetic to spend days and hours thinking about what they think and what to do to be best version of you when they see you? I know it is pathetic, because i was there before. But it's just a war in mind and emotions, you need to force a swithc, or you will be pathetic your whole life, representing your self to others in the way you think will accept? Again, in the way YOU think they will accept and not judge. YOU...


It's connected to the ego, complicated connection, like a shuffle on music haha .. You are so important in everyone lives,everyone wants to see shat are you doing and everyone wants to talk about you, they are all interested in your look and how you dress they all know you and they all want to put u down and make u feel miserabale? Haha What the fuck, are you some kind of a main character in a show?..You see how it is connected to ego in that way. But you need to let that go, accept YOURSELF first, then you will not give a fuck about anyone and will realazie that you actually can even go naked on the street and they will look other way..Because they don't care.. So wake the fuck up, beat that anxiety and boost your sslf esteem. But it will not be easy.. GO TRAIN YOUR BODY, BUILD MUSCLE AND GOOD WEIGHT. BUILD YOUR KNIWLEDGE OF THINGS AND GET EXPERIENCES OF ALL THE FIELDS YOU CAN.BUILD YOU CHARACTAR THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO BE AND THE WAY YOU FEEL.GET THE FUCKING MAN IN THE BANK ALREADY, DK WHATAWER YOU WANT, YOU CAN'T BUILD CONFIEDENCE WITHOUT HAVING SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF, GET IT?.
Talk to random strangers, say things you know will offend almost everyone, just be free and do it. You got beaten up before if u are a man, learn to fight bro!! As a girl you got bullied because you didnt know to put make up one, go everywhere withoht it, and always say to everyone wearing it, i don't need that fake confidence on my face. Or learn to do make up as a fuckinf artist.. You got ehat i wanna say? They dont give a fuck and neither should you,just make sure you live the way you wan't to!!

This quote is one from many in my favorite anime, oregairu 😁✌

That's it for now.

Stay tuned, it's coming more.

Cheers from GeSTex-


I love what you have to say and how blunt you are about it

Hahah thanks fam, i like that about me too 😁✌

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 135 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Exactly, work on yourself and stop thinking what would people say!Be yourself, love yourself, except yourself ☝️