Efekat ogledala! The mirror efekt

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Ako vam se nekada dogodi da se zapitate zbog čega vam se nešto dogadja ili vam se dogadjaji ili sutuacije ponavljaju,podsetnik za efekat ogledala bi vam mogao mnogo pomoći, iako za taj momenat osvršćivanja treba hrabrosti i taj momenat može veoma da zaboli!

If you ever happen to wonder why something happens to you or why events or situations keep repeating themselves, the mirror effect reminder could help you a lot, although that moment of realization takes courage and that moment can hurt a lot!



Ili ako želite da pogledate kakvi ste u stvari u datom momentu u životu samo pogledajte prvo svoje dete, decu, supruga i najbližu okolinu i situacije sa kojima se susrećete. Tada ćete moći da vidite vaš odraz u njima!
U svakom slučaju ono što je u nama oslikava ono što je van nas!
Privlačite uopravo one energije kakvi ste i vi sami u datom momentu.
Naravno da se sve može promeniti, na bolje. Pola posla je već rešeno kada to uvidimo

Or if you want to see how are you are in fact at a given moment in your life, just look first at your child, your children, your spouse and the closest environment and the situations you encounter. Then you will be able to see your reflection in them! In any case, what is inside us reflects what is outside us! You attract exactly those energies that you yourself are in a given moment. Of course, everything can change, for the better. Half the job is already done when we see it.

Pozdrav od mene i ostanite zdravi i srećni.

Greetings from me and stay healthy and happy.