Još jedan hobi koji me ispunjuje i čini jako srećnim ⚽ Another hobby that fulfills me and makes me very happy ⚽

in BANAT2 years ago

Svaki pojedinac od samog rođenja pokazuje odredjena interesovanja za određene stvari. 💭 Od malena sam voleo sve vrste sportova, kao jako mali sa 5 godina sam prvi put počeo da treniram gimnastiku, majka me je vodila na treninge, no nisam se dugo zadržao na tome. 🤸

Every individual from birth shows certain interests in certain things. 💭 I loved all kinds of sports since I was little, when I was very young, at the age of 5, I started practicing gymnastics for the first time, my mother took me to training sessions, but I didn't stick with it for long. 🤸


Od malena sam još pokazivao interesovanje za fudbal. ⚽ Iako sam u odrastanju od šeste godine pa do dvanaeste trenirao tenis. 🎾 Bio sam jako uspešan, prvi u Boru u svojoj kategoriji, dobijao sam turnire. 🎖️ Ali sam posle dužeg vremena odustao jer nije bilo adekvatnih trenera koji bi me trenirali za veće uspehe i turnire. ⛔

I was still interested in football from a young age. ⚽ Even though growing up I trained tennis from the age of six until the age of twelve. 🎾 I was very successful, first in Bor in my category, I won tournaments. 🎖️ But after a long time I gave up because there were no adequate coaches to train me for greater success and tournaments. ⛔


Trenirao sam košarku ⛹️ rukomet 🤾 stoni tenis 🏓 ali sam na kraju sa fudbalom stao. Od petnaeste godine treniram fudbal i počeo sam u Zlotu, za fudbalsku klub Zlot. Bili smo jako uspešni u mlađim kategorijama, bio sam jedan od boljih, postizao sam golove sa raznih razdaljina, uglavnom sam bio poznat po slobodnim udarcima. 🥅

I trained basketball ⛹️ handball 🤾 table tennis 🏓 but in the end I stopped with football. I have been training football since I was fifteen and I started in Zlot, for the Zlot football club. We were very successful in the younger categories, I was one of the better ones, I scored goals from various distances, I was mostly known for free kicks. 🥅


Prošle godine sam posle dugo godina odlučio da zbog više razloga napustim klub u kome sam bio jako dugo. 🗓️ Prešao sam da igram za Krivelj, upoznao nove ljude, počeo novu priču na drugom mestu. 🆕 U novom klubu je pored mene prešlo još 2 igrača iz Zlota tako da sam već poznavao nekoliko momaka.

Last year, after many years, I decided to leave the club where I had been for a very long time for several reasons. 🗓️ I moved to play for Krivelj, met new people, started a new story in a different place. 🆕 In the new club, 2 more players from Zlot joined me, so I already knew several guys.



Još kao mali sam pratio fudbal, više sam ustvari pratio jednog igrača a to je Cristiano Ronaldo. 🏟️ Njegovi pokreti i to što on sa loptom radi je umetnost za oči znalaca fudbala i raj za dušu. U Krivelju sam se brzo navikao na tempo igre, odnos sa ljudima je jako dobar, jako sam se brzo navikao na novu sredinu. ⏩

Even as a child I followed football, I actually followed one player and that is Cristiano Ronaldo. 🏟️ His movements and what he does with the ball are art for the eyes of football connoisseurs and heaven for the soul. In Krivelje, I quickly got used to the pace of the game, the relationship with people is very good, I got used to the new environment very quickly. ⏩


Za mene je fudbal ustvari stvar koja me smiruje, tih 90 minuta kada sudija da početni zvižduk, od tog momenta se mozak isključi za sve i samo je jedna stvar u glavi, taj momenat. 🎶 Ubrzo sam počeo da dajem golove i pomažem svojoj ekipi u postizanju dobrih rezultata. Nadam se da ću još dugo uživati u sportu koji me ispunjuje. ⚽

For me, football is actually the thing that calms me down, those 90 minutes when the referee blows the starting whistle, from that moment the brain shuts down for everything and there is only one thing in the head, that moment. 🎶 Soon I started scoring goals and helping my team achieve good results. I hope that I will continue to enjoy the sport that fulfills me for a long time. ⚽


Pozdrav od Lazara 🦶🏼⚽

Greeting from Lazar 🦶🏼⚽


Hey @lazar01

Nice to meet you, I see you are relatively new on Hive, and I saw you commenting on some other people's posts. Well done!!
Thank you for sharing with us your hobby, actually, I see you as a professional in football 😅
I was not a sport type when I was small, music was my place but I had a good friend from the same class who was a football player who enrolled in a special sports high school. I went to music high school but he was the only one who understood me and my passion for music. We lived in a smaller town and not everyone could understand the sacrifice we did to go to a different city (to Novi Sad) just to continue our education.
I hope you will continue to have success in football and integrate well with this platform. Greetings 👋

Thank you very much, I'm trying to be noticed, as well as to make new acquaintances, your story is very beautiful and interesting, I hope that we will achieve great success in the future, greetings 👋

That is a good attitude, you are doing very well! :)

I believe that you can't wait for the season to start again, for the nice weather to start training. I hope you achieve much more.🫶🏻

Just like that, I can't wait for the season to start again and for the games to start, I hope for the best, thank you very much 💗