Najbaksuzniji i najnesrecniji dan i kako sam ga ja proveo 🤷🏻‍♂️ The worst and most unfortunate day and how I spent it 🤷🏻‍♂️

in BANAT2 years ago

Kao što svi već znamo, za najnesrecniji dan se smatra petak 13. mnogi doživljavaju razne loše stvari na taj dan. 😞 Mnogi tog dana nemaju sreću i ništa im ne ide od ruke, kod mene je to sve malo drugačije. 😐

As we all already know, Friday the 13th is considered the unluckiest day. Many people experience various bad things on that day. 😞 Many people are not lucky that day and nothing goes their way, with me it's all a little different. 😐


Dan sam započeo tako što sam video jednu od svojih mačaka kako apsolutno uživa u svom životu i penje se drvenu konstrukciju pored kuće. 🐈 Volim mačke ali su ipak psi čovekovi najbolji prijatelji i imaju veću dušu i bolji su ljubimci po meni, doduše ukusu su različiti. 🐕

I started the day by seeing one of my cats absolutely enjoying his life and climbing the wooden structure next to the house. 🐈 I love cats, but dogs are man's best friends and have a bigger soul and are better pets in my opinion,tastes are diffrent 🐕


Nakon toga sam neko vreme proveo u prirodi, naravno poneo sam pušku iz razloga što sam primetio par lisica u blizini kuće, koje su potencijalna pretnja domaćih životinja. 🐓 Sa sobom sam poneo dobru staru stolicu koju je moj deda još nabavio pre mnogo godina, od malena me jako dobro služi. 🪑

After that I spent some time in nature, of course I brought a rifle because I noticed a couple of foxes near the house, which are a potential threat to domestic animals. 🐓 I brought with me a good old chair that my grandfather got many years ago, it has served me very well since I was a child. 🪑



Nakon toga sam odlučio da prošetam psa, mi smo slični, volimo da istražujemo, ona je sasvim normalan pas, osim što ponekada ume da bude luda jako i da ode u najveće trnje. 😂 Izuzetno je poslušna, bez obzira na to što je puštena, naučio sam je da ne odlazi daleko od mene, ukoliko krene daleko pozovem je nazad i počastim uglavnom kikirikijem, obožava ga. 🥜

After that I decided to walk the dog, we are similar, we like to explore, she is a completely normal dog, except that sometimes she can be very crazy and go into the biggest thorns. 😂 She is extremely obedient, regardless of the fact that she was released, I taught her not to go far from me, if she goes far I call her back and treat her mostly with peanuts, she loves it. 🥜


U suštini mislim da taj petak 13 i nije toliko strašna stvar, mislim da ne većina stvari koje nam se dešavaju ustvari refleksija toga kako mi to doživljavamo. 🪞 Zato dokle god koračamo pozitivno i spremno za svaki mogući problem i rešavanje istog, nece biti problema. 🙅‍♂️ U nadi da niste imali loših iskustva na jučerašnji dan, pozdravljam vas do narednog posta👋

In essence, I think that Friday the 13th is not such a terrible thing, I think that not most things that happen to us are actually a reflection of how we experience it. 🪞 That's why as long as we step positively and ready for every possible problem and solving it, there will be no problems. 🙅‍♂️ Hoping you didn't have any bad experiences yesterday, see you until the next post👋


Pozdrav od Lazara

Greeting from Lazar


Your dog is beautiful and great that she is obedient. Hahaha, you were lucky to see a white cat :D

My day yesterday was pretty normal, with no lucky or unlucky moments, just normal :))

Have a great weekend, Lazar 👋

Thank you very much, I am trying to teach her to be obedient, I would say it was the right timing.
I'm glad your day was normal
Thanks too, all the best 👋

I have nothing with numbers and it was a normal day but great you turned the 13th in a blog in hive. It’s your eighth blog here and I see you are having fun. That’s great the intro post was just a week ago so keep up the great work
And good luck.