Zdravo svima 👋
Hello to everyone 👋
šta je potrebno deci da rastu🙂❤?
U tom duhu se svake godine označava Dečija nedelja uvek je to prva nedelja u oktobru😍
Tako da je i ova nedelja posvećena našim najmladjima❤
Osnovne škole organizuju razne interesantne aktivnosti,predstave u pozorištu,druženje dece medju sobom,upoznavanje jedni drugih,crtanje,igranje....sve da bi nam deca ostala svesna da su nam najbitnija i da zaslužuju dobro dotinjstvo.
Zdrava,sretna i voljena deca to je bio motiv ove nedelje,naravno to nam je motiv svaki dan,ali ove nedelje smo samo podsećali ljude na to 😉
what do children need to grow up🙂❤?
It is in this spirit that Children's Week is marked every year, it is always the first weekin October😍
So this week is also dedicated to our youngest ❤
Elementary schools organize various interesting activities, plays in the theater, children socializing with each other, getting to know each other, drawing, playing...all so that our children remain aware that they are the most important to us and that they deserve good care.
Healthy, happy and beloved children, that was the motive of this week, of course it is our motive every day, but this week we just reminded people of it 😉
Često zaboravimo da deca najlakše uče kroz zabavu.Svaki roditelj svoj život podredi svojoj deci,oni su za nas ceo svet,i sve što treba da znaju da su voljeni i bezbedni ,tako im pružamo mogućnost da izrastu u divne ljude.
We often forget that children learn the easiest through fun. Every parent subordinates his life to his children, they are the whole world to us, and all they need to know is that they are loved and safe, that's how we give them the opportunity to grow into wonderful people.
Bilo da ste roditelj ili ne,dečiji razdragan smeh,je najbolja muzika za uši.
Detinjstvo je najbitnija stvar za svakog čoveka.Koliko ljubavi si primao kao dete može da te označi za ceo život.Zato ne razmišljajte previše,deci treba vaša iskrenost i spontanost.Mi smo njihova sigurna luka,neka onda osete mir i ljubav.Igrajte se,pevajte sa njima,smejte se sa njima❤
Whether you are a parent or not, a child's joyful laughter is the best music to the ears.
Childhood is the most important thing for every person. How much love you received as a child can mark you for the rest of your life. So don't think too much, children need your sincerity and spontaneity. We are their safe haven, let them feel peace and love. Play, sing with them, laugh with them❤
Dozvolite da vam deca oboje vaše teške i sive dane.Ako im uzvratite pružiće vam dugu svakog dana❤
Dan svakog roditelja ima boju dečijeg raspoloženja na kraju dana.
Obojite svoje dane,prepustite se i vi ste bili dete,razumete.
Let your children color your hard and gray days. If you give them back, they will give you a rainbow every day❤
Every parent's day is colored by the child's mood at the end of the day.
Color your days, let yourself go, you were a child too, you understand.
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