Ko je za jednu Cezar salatu?🥗Who's up for a caesar salad

in BANATlast year (edited)

Ako volite osvežavajuće salate a ipak zasitnog i punog ukusa onda je jedan CEZAR za vas

If you like refreshing salads, yet filling and full of flavor, then CAESAR is for you

Idemo onda prvo da napravimo jednu korpicu od testa😉

Let's go to make a dough basket first


Dok korpicu od testa pečem na kalupu u peći stavila sam i par listića pančete da se zapeče.Samo je poredjam na foliju i ostavim par minuta u peći

While baking the dough basket on the mold in the oven, I also put a few sheets of pancetta to brown. I just put it on the foil and leave it in the oven for a few minutes



Kad je korpica gotova ,i pančeta pečena idemo da pravimo salatu 😉
Naravno krećemo od iceberga.Isečemo četvrtinu osrednje glavice.Ne sečemo preterano sitno,nema potrebe verujte mi👌

When the basket is ready and the pancetta is baked, let's make the salad 😉
Of course, we start from the iceberg. Cut a quarter of the average head. Don't cut too small, there's no need, believe me👌


Onda uzimam sveži paradajz.Pola jednog osrednjog je dovoljano😉👌

Then I take fresh tomatoes. Half a mediocre one is enough 😉👌



Idemo dalje, sledeća je dimljena piletina ...uf....tako je ukusna sama po sebi 😉
Naravno možete i prosto ispržiti jednu šniclu belog pilećeg svežeg i staviti umesto dimljene piletine.Takodje ispadne dobar krajnji ukus salate😉

Moving on, next is the smoked chicken ...ugh....it's so delicious on its own 😉
Of course, you can also simply fry one steak of white chicken fresh and put it instead of smoked chicken. It also turns out a good final taste of the salad 😉



Ostaje nam još beli feta sir.Jedna kockica je dovoljna.I zatim prelijem sa dresing sosom,dovoljno je vrlo malo sosa ali možete dodati po volji 😉.

We still have white feta cheese left. One cube is enough. And then I put dressing sauce, very little sauce is enough, but you can add as much as you like 😉.



Zatim sve to promešamo ali blago,da salata bude baršunasta 😉,tako ja volim da kažem🙂
Kada to završimo prebacimo salatu u korpicu koja se tada već dovoljno ohvadila.Dodamo malo dekoracije , čeri paradajz na vrh, umotamo listove pečene pančete i par komadića dimljene piletine 👌

Then we mix it all but gently, so that the salad is velvety 😉, that's how I like to say🙂
When we're done, transfer the salad to a basket that has already cooled enough.
We add a little decoration, cherry tomatoes on top, wrap leaves of baked pancetta and a few pieces of smoked chicken 👌


Gotovo !!!
Sve je spremno za jelo.Dok jedete ukusnu salatu korpica je tu da upotpuni užitak i ukus,slobodno svakim zalogajem čupnite po malo hrskave korice.

Everything is ready to eat. While you are eating the delicious salad, the basket is there to complete the pleasure and taste, feel free to tear off a little of the crunchy crust with each bite.

Rekoh da vam napišem kako pravim dresing sos.
Pomešam majonez i jogurt,dodam kašičicu senfa,i dok polako mešam dodajem Worcester sos,vrlo malo i sušenu mirodjiju👌

I said I'd write you how I make the dressing sauce.
I mix mayonnaise and yogurt, add a teaspoon of mustard, and while slowly mixing I add Worcester sauce, very little and dried spices👌



Izgleda odlično!


Zaista i jeste 👍
Hvala 👋


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@dejan.vuckovic(1/5) tipped @prudens


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