Zdravo svima
Šta kažete na pizzu za večeru?Jednu staru dobru kaprićozu😉
Idemo zajedno....
Da izvadimo već pripremljeno testo!
Malo ga rukama ublikujemo ,samo neka je velika 😉😆😆😆
Hello everyone
How about pizza for dinner? A good old capricous 😉
We are going together....
Let's take out the already prepared dough!
We shape it a little with our hands, just make it big 😉😆😆😆
Sad malo pelata koji napravimo sa paradajz pireom,maslinovim uljem,bosiljkom....predobro👌
Now let's make some tomato sauce what we make with tomato puree, olive oil, basil... too good👌
Kad lepo rasporedimo paradajz sos,kružnim pokretima😉,onda dodamo izrendani sir,kačkavalj,odmah preko namazanog pelata,celom površinom testa.Za moj ukus ,sira nikada nije previše 😆👌
Pa lepu slasnu šunku preko sira,lepo ravnomerno rasporedimo a onda na kraju izrendane šampinjone,njih ne mora previše,ali sve je stvar ukusa☝️
I naravno još malo izrendanog sira preko svega😉😆😆
When we spread the tomato sauce nicely, in circular motions😉, then we add grated cheese, cheese, immediately over the greased pelata, over the entire surface of the dough. For my taste, there is never too much cheese 😆👌
Well, nice delicious ham on top of the cheese, evenly distributed and then at the end grated champignons, they don't have to be too many, but it's all a matter of taste☝️
And of course some more grated cheese on top of everything😉😆😆
Zatim pravo sa lopate u peć,pored lepe vatrice😉
Then straight from the shovel to the oven, next to a nice fire 😉
U kamenoj peći,mora ispasti sjajna.Prste da poližemo☝️
In the stone oven, it must turn out great. Let's lick our fingers☝️
Da vidimo ...
let's see...
Želim vam divno veče!
I wish you a wonderful evening!
Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.
Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana.
A ne zoveš? 😆
Mljac! 👌😊
Biće biće 😉🍕🍕