Take a deep breath and trust the universe 🆓️✅

in BANAT2 years ago


Ponekad je toliko mirno,već od samog jutra.Mirno dišem,mirno razmišljam i mirno obavljam sve svakodnevne sitnice.
Ume da bude veoma čudno😉
Dugi niz godina sam dane provodila u konstantnom grču i strahu.Dok se nalaziš u tom stanju zapravo i nisi baš svestan da svaki dan živiš pod takvim pritiskom.Da sam stvoriš sav taj haos prosto sakupljajući svaku brigu koju preživeo si i koja ti tek predstoji.
Prosto nisam umela da pustim,ni ono što sam već doživela,rešila najbolje što sam mogla,ni ono što me tek čeka.
Brinula sam o svemu,o prošlosti i o budućnosti😑,što može da znači samo jedno nisam bila tu u sadašnjosti,kao takva nisam mogla da uživam u sadašnjosti

Sometimes it is so calm, already from the very morning. I breathe calmly, I think calmly and I do all the daily little things calmly.
It can be very strange😉
For many years, I spent my days in constant spasm and fear. While you are in that state, you are not really aware that you live under such pressure every day. That you create all that chaos by simply collecting every worry that you have survived and that is yet to come.
I simply could not let go, neither what I had already experienced, solved as best I could, nor what was yet to come.
I was worried about everything, about the past and about the future😑, which can only mean one thing I wasn't there in the present, as such I couldn't enjoy the present



O trebalo je mnogo stvari da se desi,da bih ja konačno uspela da uživam u trenutku.
Još uvek učim .To je činjenica,ali napredujem.
Opuštanje u ovakvim trenutcima kad jedino što osetim je mir,usporenost,kao da vreme stoji ,pruža mi takav osećaj uspeha.Sigurna sam da me mnogi razumeju,i to koliko je bitno uspeti da smiren ideš kroz dan,bez pritiska,ogorčenosti,straha,panike,osećaja nemoći.
Svi znamo da mirne glave donosimo pametne odluke,i svi znamo koliko je teško doći do smirene ,hladne glave kada želite da imate sve pod kontrolom.
Nešto prosto nije potrebno kontrolisati,nešto moramo samo pustiti da se odvija na svoj način.
Dozvolimo različitost,prigrlimo novine,i postavimo zdrave granice,tako negujemo svoje poverenje u tudje odluke,u sam univerzum 😉.
Ostvariti osećaj u sebi,verovanje da se neće sve raspasti ako pustimo konce,ako zažmurimo na kratko,e to je za mene veliki uspeh 😉💯

Oh, it took a lot of things to happen for me to finally be able to enjoy the moment.
I'm still learning. That's a fact, but I'm making progress.
Relaxing in moments like these, when the only thing I feel is peace, slowness, as if time stands still, gives me such a feeling of success. I'm sure that many understand me, and how important it is to manage to calmly go through the day, without pressure, resentment, fear, panic, feeling of helplessness.
We all know that we make smart decisions with a calm head, and we all know how difficult it is to get a calm, cool head when you want to have everything under control.
Something simply does not need to be controlled, something we just have to let unfold in its way.
Let's allow diversity, embrace novelty, and set healthy boundaries, that's how we nurture our trust in other people's decisions, in the universe itself 😉.
Realize the feeling in yourself, the belief that everything won't fall apart if we let go, if we turn a blind eye for a while, and that's a big success for me 😉💯

Često i sada kada mi dani krenu mirno,spokojno,ja u nekom momentu zastanem da udahnem,jer još uvek mi je osećaj smirenosti čudan,neverovatan,pa se uplašim.
Ali duboko disanje mi uvek pomogne,umirim svoj duh,um i telo i prepustim se zbivanju.
Verujem univerzumu😉

Often, even now, when my days begin calmly, at some point, I stop to take a breath, because the feeling of calmness is still strange, incredible, so I get scared.
But deep breathing always helps me, I calm my spirit, mind and body and surrender to what is happening.
I trust the universe😉

Ponekad je dovoljno samo otići u šetnju i videti ovako neki prizor,prizor ovih divnih labudova ,kada se priroda sama potrudi da nam prikaže kako smirenost izgleda.
Dok posmatraš osetiš,i onda nastaviš svoj dan,i prenosiš dalje tu smirenost🙂

Sometimes it is enough just to go for a walk and see a scene like this, the sight of these wonderful swans, when nature itself tries to show us what calmness looks like.
While you observe, you feel, and then you continue your day, and you pass on that calmness 🙂

Želim vam sjajan i miran dan 😉✅

Have a great and calm day 🆓️✅

Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.

Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana.


Peace and tranquility to you on your path, you are making great progress. Your experience will be a great encouragement to others. 💝

Thank you for your kind words 💟

You're from what country? Just curious

From Serbia 👋👋

That's wonderful. Enjoy your day today

Thank you 💗