Crno-bele stvari umeju biti prelepe, samo da malo shvatimo neke stvari oko nas.🌫~Black and white things can be beautiful, if only we understand some things around us.🌫

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Zdravo Hiveri-i😊
Da li ste nekada razmišljali o tome kako bi nam svet i život izgledao da je ceo crno-beli?⚫️⚪️ To je monotonost, ali nekada mi se tako čini da je ustvari crno-beli svet lep.🤗 Gledam fotografije nekada crno-bele, ili prosto ja uslikam crno-bele fotografije i meni je to zaista prelepo😍. Generalno, psi🐕 i životinje vide sve crno-belo. Stariji filmovi ili fotografije su postojale crno bele, nekada mi je žao što to sve nisam iskusila i nisam toliko upoznata sa tim, a vidim po neku sliku od bake kako je to sve izgledalo, i onda sam samo upalila maštu kako je to izgledalo, koje joj je boje bila haljina, kosa, cipele i torbica... Sve je znatiželjnije🎞. Ja generalno volim nove stvari, volim da isprobam svašta novo, pa kao što sam već upoznala život u boji, tako bih upoznala i život u crno-beloj boji📽.

Hello Hivers😊
Have you ever thought about how our world and life would look like if it were all black and white? ⚫️⚪️ It's monotony, but sometimes it seems to me that the world is actually beautiful in black and white.🤗 I look at photos that used to be black and white, or I just take black and white photos and it's really beautiful to me😍. In general, dogs🐕 and animals see everything in black and white. There were older films or photographs in black and white, sometimes I regret that I didn't experience it all and I'm not that familiar with it, and I see a picture from my grandmother of what it all looked like, and then I just fired up my imagination, what it looked like the color of her dress, hair, shoes and purse... Everything is more curious🎞. I generally like new things, I like to try all kinds of new things, so just as I already got to know life in color, I would also get to know life in black and white 📽.



Nekada nam ne odgovara kada nam je sve monotono, donosadno, crno-belo i tmurno, nekada se tako i osećamo, kao takve boje. A nekada nam i lepo legne i prija da se malo osamimo, budemo malo sami sa sobom, malo sa našim osećanjima i da uživamo u našoj samoći🌫. Ja nekada volim svoje vreme, svoju samoću, svoj mir🧘🏻‍♀️, svoje misli i prija mi to. Podjednako volim to kao što volim ljude i kao što volim da sam okružena njima❤️.

Sometimes it doesn't suit us when everything is monotonous, boring, black and white and gloomy, sometimes we feel like that, like those colors. And sometimes we feel good and happy to be alone a little, to be alone a little, with our feelings a little and to enjoy our solitude🌫. Sometimes I like my time, my solitude, my peace🧘🏻‍♀️, my thoughts and I like that. I love it as much as I love people and as I love being surrounded by them❤️.



Danas sam kroz fotografije proučavala 1001 osećaj koji osećam kroz sliku koju vidim👀. Osećala sam i sreću i tugu istovremeno😶. Tako mi je nešto igralo u stomaku da nisam bila sigurna šta je to, da li su to leptirići🦋 ili leptirići koji se dave u mom stomaku🌊.
Ne znam da li preterujem ili samo obožavam da produbljujem neke sitne stvari i napravim krupnu, ali crno-bele stvari itekako umeju da budu lepe ako proučimo i iz toga izvučemo nešto lepo🌪.
Kao što ja izvučem iz svega nešto lepo i u svakoj crnoj-beloj stvari mogu da vidim nešto lepo, isto kao sve što je u boji🎨.

Today, through photos, I studied 1001 feelings that I feel through the picture I see👀. I felt both happiness and sadness at the same time😶. Something was playing in my stomach so much that I wasn't sure what it was, whether it was butterflies🦋 or butterflies drowning in my stomach🌊.
I don't know if I'm exaggerating or I just love deepening some small things and making them big, but black and white things can really be beautiful if we study them and get something beautiful out of them🌪.
Just like I get something beautiful out of everything and I can see something beautiful in every black and white thing, just like everything in color🎨.



Na primer u ovoj zvezdi padalici🌠 iznad crkve💒 vidim istaknutost naspram te crkve i suvog drveta🌳. Izgleda mi tako posebno, kao da ustvari jedina svetili✨️, kao da je jedina bitna tu. A ista ta slika u boji, ta zvezda padalica mi gubi tu "bitnost". Ona je i dalje prelepa, i dalje sija, ali nije jedina, tu je i crkva koja je cela u svetlima, nebo koje je plavo i okolo je ulična rasveta.💡
Sada sam samo opisala onako kako ja vidim neke stvari, i zašto su mi neke crno-bele stvari lepše od onih koje su u boji🎨.

For example, in this shooting star🌠 above the church💒 I see prominence against that church and a dry tree🌳. It looks so special to me, as if it's the only one that shines ✨️, as if it's the only one that matters. And that same color picture, that shooting star, loses its "importance" for me. She is still beautiful, she still shines, but she is not the only one, there is also a church that is all in lights, the sky is blue and there are street lights all around.💡
Now I just described the way I see some things, and why I find some black and white things more beautiful than those in color🎨.



Ova teglica sa slatkišima mi je takođe lepša u crnoj-beloj boji samo zato što mi pažnju skreće natpis na teglici "uživaj u malim stvarima"🍬. Iskreno, to je itekako poučna rečenica, itekako može biti motivacija za neke stvari, i kroz tu rečenicu ljudi razmisle o nekim stvarima i krenu da cene stvari koje imaju oko sebe😉. Dok slika u boji, upadaju nam u oči i lampice oko jelke🎄, bombone u teglici🍬, pa čak i slatkiši koji se nalaze iza teglice🫙.

I also like this candy jar in black and white just because the inscription on the jar "enjoy the little things" catches my attention🍬. Honestly, it's a very instructive sentence, it can really be a motivation for some things, and through that sentence people think about some things and begin to appreciate the things they have around them😉. While painting in color, the lights around the Christmas tree 🎄, the candies in the jar🍬, and even the sweets behind the jar🫙 catch our eyes.



Tu sam i ja, i moja slika😌, i u crnoj-beloj boji i u bojama. Na primer, ova slika mi je lepša u boji, iz razloga jer nju vidim kao nešto što izaziva neku pozitivnu, mali osmeh na mom licu i pozadina koja je oko mene, kao što rekoh, koliko mi je prelepo sve u crnom-belom svetu, tako mi je prelepo i u boji☺️.

There is also me, and my picture😌, both in black and white and in color. For example, this picture is more beautiful to me in color, for the reason that I see it as something that causes a positive, small smile on my face and the background that is around me, as I said, how beautiful everything in the black and white world is to me, I think it's so beautiful and in color☺️.



E sada, ta zvezda padalica koja je kod crkve, nije obična zvezda padalica😏. To je zvezda koje se zove "Davidova zvezda" koja je vodila tri kralja🫅🏻🫅🏼🫅🏽 do štale🛖 gde se rodio mali Isus Hrist, i ta tri kralja su prvi darovali malog Isusa🎁. Zato je ta "Davidova zvezda" iznad crkve. Još jedna prelepa stvar koja čini naš mali Vršac i našu Katoličku crkvu lepšom.💫

Now, that shooting star that is at the church is not an ordinary shooting star😏. It is the star called "David's Star" that led the three kings🫅🏻🫅🏼🫅🏽 to the stable🛖 where baby Jesus Christ was born, and those three kings were the first to present baby Jesus🎁. That's why that "Star of David" is above the church. Another beautiful thing that makes our little Vršac and our Catholic Church more beautiful.💫



Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke💫

Greeting from your Rebecca💫


I also like to see the old photos from my grandma and great-grandma, while those were just monochrome photos. Imagining colours is an interesting thing. Now I think that I prefer all these colours we can get on the photographies but black and white also give an elegant touch :)
The photo with the jar and sweets is nicer in black and white version :D
The photo of you is giving much more life when in colours ;)

It is very nice for me to see both sides, both in black and white and in color, I can find something beautiful and positive in both cases. Of course, color pictures are full of life, it's nice to see that colorfulness, and it's not monotonous, but that's how beautiful even "sad" pictures can be. Thank you for your comment🙏🏻❤️

Indeed, both sides are nice, each one in it's way :)🥳

Your post made me think a lot about everything related to the black and white world and the times we haven't even experienced. The pictures are very beautiful, just like you 🥰💗

Thank you very much. Unfortunately, the world where there were old photos, old films and other things in black and white, I'm so sorry that I didn't experience that as a child, I guess it's a good reason that I grew up in a new age🤗💗