Zdravo Hiveri-i👋🏻
Koliko stvari ću još morati da prođem pitam se.🥲 Iskreno, prošla sam dosta stvari za svojih 20 godina, mislila sam da to ide malo postepeno a ne 1001 stvar od jednom.😮💨
Evo da podelim sa vama jednu situaciju od sinoc i današnjeg dana...🫣
Sinoć sam osetila u kasne sate nenormalnu glad😮 i mali bol u desnom predelu, kod jajnika. Mislila sam da će me proći kada budem jela🥪, verovatno je to glad ili sam samo naduta.
Zaspala sam oko 4 sata ujutru ali je ta bol i dalje bila prisutna, ali opet ne tako jaka, mogla sam da zaspim.🥱
Probudila sam se u dva sata popodne, sa istim tim bolom samo sa mnogo jačim.😨
Nisam mogla da stanem na noge, puzala sam do kuhinje, do moje majke da joj kažem da se nešto dešava. Obukla me je i očuh me je stavio u taxi🚕 i odvezli u hitnu pomoć.🏥
Dobila sam uput za hirurga, uputili smo se ka hirurškoj ambulanti, međutim bolovi su postali nezadrživi da sam mislila da ću umreti. Suze su samo klizale niz lice nisam mogla da ih kontrolišem. Cela sam se ispresavijala od bolova, nisam mogla da stojim pa su me gurali u invalidskim kolicima.🦽(Kao u Žikinoj dinastiji)
Snimali su me tri puta da se uspostavi šta se dešava sa mnom, zašto me boli toliko, sumnjalo se na slepo crevo.
Ja sam inače odgovorna, pregledavam se s' vremena na vreme, pre par meseci nisu ustanovili da imam neke probleme.🤷🏻♀️
Kada sam došla na sledeće snimanje, krenula mi je mučnina i povraćalo mi se, očuh mi je brzo dohvatio kantu za otpatke da se ispovraćam u to.🗑
Kada sam se ispovracala i kada sam bila snimljena po treći put, hirurg je ustanovio da imam kamen🪨 u bubregu koji je krenuo.
Istog momenta su me smestili u bolničku sobu, dali infuziju💉 da me popusti bol i poslali su mi roditelje kući po moje lične stvari jer moraju da me zadrže u bolnicu🏥.
Hi Hivers👋🏻
I wonder how many more things I will have to go through. 🥲 Honestly, I went through a lot of things in my 20 years, I thought it was going a bit gradually and not 1001 things at once.😮💨
Here I am sharing with you a situation from yesterday and today...🫣
Late last night I felt abnormal hunger😮 and a small pain in the right area, near the ovary. I thought I would pass out when I ate 🥪, it's probably hunger or I'm just bloated.
I fell asleep around 4 o'clock in the morning, but the pain was still present, but again not so strong, I was able to fall asleep.🥱
I woke up at two o'clock in the afternoon, with the same pain, only much stronger.😨
I could not stand on my feet, I crawled to the kitchen, to my mother to tell her that something was happening. She dressed me and my stepfather put me in a taxi🚕 and took me to the emergency room.🏥
I received a referral to a surgeon, we headed to the surgical clinic, but the pain became so unbearable that I thought I was going to die. Tears just rolled down my face, I couldn't control them. I was writhing in pain, I couldn't stand, so they pushed me in a wheelchair.🦽(Like in Žika's dynasty)
They filmed me three times to establish what was happening to me, why I was in so much pain, they suspected the appendix.
I'm normally responsible, I check myself from time to time, a few months ago they didn't find that I had any problems.🤷🏻♀️
When I came to the next shoot, I started feeling nauseous and vomited, my stepfather quickly grabbed a trash can for me to throw up in.🗑
When I vomited and when I was filmed for the third time, the surgeon found that I had a stone🪨 in the kidney that had started.
At the same moment, they put me in a hospital room, gave me an infusion💉 to relieve my pain and sent my parents home to get my personal belongings because they have to keep me in the hospital🏥.
Majka i sestra Erika su u međuvremenu stigle u bolnicu i bile upućene u celu situaciju. Pitala sam se odakle mi kamen u bubregu, kako se to tek tako brzo stvorilo, i zašto se to moralo sada desiti...😮💨
Malo me je od infuzije popustio bol, mada je i dalje malo prisutan...
Pijem puno vode💧 i želim da pobedim još jednu stvar koja me je zadesila.
U međuvremenu su mi moji poslali stvari, doktor mi ih je doneo u sobu i čekam bilo kakve informacije.🗒
In the meantime, Erika's mother and sister arrived at the hospital and were briefed on the whole situation. I wondered where my kidney stone came from, how it formed so quickly, and why it had to happen now...😮💨
My pain has eased a little since the infusion, although it is still a little present...
I drink a lot of water💧 and I want to beat another thing that has hit me.
In the meantime, my parents sent me things, the doctor brought them to my room and I'm waiting for any information.🗒
Sve stvari koje se trenutno dešavaju tražim pozitivnu stranu toga.🤔
Dokle moram da se borim sa svim lošim stvarima, da li ću i kada ću imati lepe periode i kada ću biti mirna sa svojih 20 godina.😐
Izašla sam iz jedne bolnice da bih ušla u drugu, stvarno sam baksuz.😒
Samo želim da budem srećna i zdrava, ne tražim puno.😶
Boga ima, zato bih volela da me malo pogleda...🙏🏻
All the things that are happening right now I look for the positive side of it.🤔
How long I have to fight with all the bad things, if and when I will have good periods and when I will be calm in my 20s.😐
I left one hospital to enter another, I'm really a badass.😒
I just want to be happy and healthy, I'm not asking for much.😶
There is a God, that's why I would like him to look at me...🙏🏻
Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🙃
Greeting from your Rebecca🙃
Brz oporavak ti želim i da te bolovi što pre prodju !❤️
Hvala ti puno, napadam se da hoće❤️
On ho, you are in the hospital! Not nice to have that nasty kidney stone! I hope it can be resolved in the best possible way, and you could get home as soon as possible. Try to stay positive though 😉
Thank you very much, I hope that it will be resolved as soon as possible, and that I will be able to sleep in my own bed, and that I will be able to function normally.❤️
Draga Rebeka strašno je što se to desilo, ali želim ti brz oporavak i da nam što pre izađeš iz bolnice.
Hvala ti puno, nadamo se najboljem🙏🏻
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Ajoj, nisam znao da ti se to juče desilo. Jako mi je žao, nisam znao, i izvini ako sam preterao za Post što sam te pitao, mislio sam da je sve ok.
Želim ti brz oporavak, da nam se što pre vratiš i da sve prođe u najbrže moguće vreme.
Budi jaka i nadam se da te sve to što ti se dešava, zapravo pravi sve jačom osobom.
Drži se, i očekujemo te. Tu smo svi Hiver-i za tebe, i uz tebe.
Hvala Vam profesore, nadam se da će sve biti kako treba, nemate za šta da se izvinjavate, niste znali🙂
A pošto ću u bolnici biti neko vreme, sigurno ću imati neko slobodno vreme i za neki post.
Hvala puno🙏🏻
Nadam se da će sve proći u najboljem redu, i da ćeš brzo svojoj kući. Ipak, kući je najbolje.
Samo jako i hrabro napred.
Ako mi danas bude prošla noć bez bolova i bez temperatura, idem sutra kući😄