Izlazak u klub nakon skoro godinu dana pauze od izlaženja.😵‍💫~Going out to the club after almost a year break from going out.😵‍💫

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Zdravo Hiver-i😄
Odavno sam izgubila onu euforiju da se spremam za neki izlazak.🫣 Nisam izašla u neki klub skoro godinu dana.🥱 Kao da nema života u meni.... Ove moje 20-te godine su najbolje godine kada trebam da se provodim, ali ja sam malo rano krenula da izlazim, od svoje 14-te godine pa sve do 19-te i kao da mi je izlaženje vremenom dosadilo.🤡
Moje izlaženje u poslednjih godinu dana se svodilo da odem u neki kafić na neki čaj, i to mi je bilo sve.🫠

Hello Hivers😄
I lost the euphoria of getting ready for a date a long time ago. 🫣 I haven't gone out to a club for almost a year. 🥱 It's like there's no life in me... These 20s are the best years when I need to have fun, but I I started going out a little early, from the age of 14 until I was 19, and it's as if I got bored of going out over time.🤡
My going out in the last year was limited to going to a coffee shop for some tea, and that was all for me.🫠


Kada pričamo o izlaženju tu je i alkohol a iskrena da budem ja se stvarno ne sećam kada sam se poslednji put i napila😵‍💫.
Sinoć su me drugarice pozvale da idemo u neki klub a da pre kluba idemo svi kod jedne drugarice Aleksandre da se zagrevamo.🥳 Pošto sam na lekovima zbog kamena u bubregu kojeg imam ja nisam baš smela da pijem, ali toliku želju sam imala, toliko sam želela da se opustim malo, kao pre.😶
To nije baš bila najbolja ideja jer nisam baš bila ni jela a pila sam lekove💊 pa posle toga votku...🥃
Bila je i predobra rakija samo se nisam usudila ni da je liznem.🤣

When we talk about going out, there is also alcohol, and to be honest, I really don't remember the last time I got drunk😵‍💫.
Last night, my friends invited me to go to a club, and before the club we should all go to one of my friend Aleksandra's house to warm up. 🥳 Since I am on medication for a kidney stone that I have, I wasn't really allowed to drink, but I had such a desire, I was so wanted to relax a little, like before.😶
It wasn't really the best idea because I hadn't really eaten and I was drinking medicine💊 and then vodka...🥃
It was too good brandy, but I didn't even dare to lick it.🤣



Ja sam se napila u 10 sati uveče, povraćala sam, i onda kada sam se ispovraćala otišli smo u klub koji se zove "Vanila".🫠
Međutim, bila je ogromna gužva pa nije bilo mesta nigde da se stane, pa smo samo izašle odatle i ja sam opet otišla sa drugaricom iza kluba da povraćam.🤮
Taj drugi put kada sam se ispovraćala, osećala sam se kao nova, kao da nisam ni pila i kao da sam se otreznila u sekundi.🤯

I got drunk at 10 o'clock in the evening, I threw up, and then when I threw up we went to a club called "Vanila".🫠
However, there was a huge crowd so there was nowhere to stop, so we just left and I went with my friend behind the club again to throw up.🤮
That second time when I threw up, I felt like new, like I hadn't even been drinking and like I sobered up in a second.🤯


Malo je blamirajuće što delim i sitan detalj, ali ako sam podelila ovde sve sa vama, što ne bih i ovo?🤣
Došli su moj brat Matija i njegov drugar po nas🛻 i otišli smo u drugi klub "hills"
Tu mi je brat kupio vodu, i posle toga sam ja uzela sebi vodu i pila sam celo veče vodu.😬 Iskrena da budem, mnogo mi je bilo lepo, i lepo sam se provela, valjda je čak i bolje kada trezan dođeš u klub nego pijan pa ne znaš gde se nalaziš😅

It's a bit embarrassing that I'm sharing even a small detail, but if I shared everything here with you, why not this too?🤣
My brother Matija and his friend came to pick us up🛻 and we went to another club "hills"
There, my brother bought me water, and after that I took water for myself and drank water all evening. 😬 To be honest, it was very nice, and I had a good time, I guess it's even better when you come to the club sober than drunk so you don't know where you are😅


Iskreno ni ne kajem se što sam izašla jer mi je nedostajala ta euforija da se šminkam, pa da par sati pre operem kosu, pa da je sušim i na kraj ispeglam, i ako je to sve najteži deo posla u toku spremanja za izlazak.🤫

Honestly, I don't even regret going out because I missed that euphoria of putting on makeup, then washing my hair a couple of hours before, then drying it and finally ironing it, and if that's all the hardest part of the job while getting ready to go out.🤫




Možda tu bude bio i sledeći vikend, samo bez alkohola pre izlaska a ni u toku, prijalo mi je društvo i izlazak posle te duže pauze.🫶🏻 Jer osoba sam koja voli ljude, a volim i dobar provod. Nadam se da će biti neko dobro dešavanje sledeći vikend.🤭

Maybe next weekend will be there as well, only without alcohol before going out and not during it, I enjoyed the company and going out after that long break.🫶🏻 Because I'm a person who likes people, and I also like a good time. I hope there will be some good happening next weekend.🤭



Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke😛

Greeting from your Rebecca😛


I know how that feels. I think I got drunk and threw up at least 100 times during high school and college. I'm rarely touching alcohol nowadays after quite a few years of drinking none. I know the feeling of... this is the last time :)).

I always say that it was the last alcohol and it will never be the last 😅