Koliko mi je ustvari bitno da sam lepo sređena i koliko ustvari volim da kupujem.🛍~How important it is to me that I'm well-groomed and how much I actually like shopping. 🛍

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Zdravo Hiver-i😘
Ja toliko volim da kupujem, da nekada pomislim da sam shoopingholičarka🤪
Nebitno šta kupujem, da li odeća, kozmetika, stvari za kuću, obuću ili slično, ja prosto uživam u tome.🛍To me toliko usrećuje, kao što me usrećuju pokloni, tako me usrećuje i da ja drugima kupim poklon.🎁Zato i najviše volim ovo doba godine, ovu zimu, od decembra pa do marta, svaki mesec po neki poklon.🤗

Hi Hivers😘
I love shopping so much, that sometimes I think I'm a shopaholic🤪
It doesn't matter what I buy, whether it's clothes, cosmetics, things for the house, shoes or the like, I just enjoy it. It makes me so happy, just as gifts make me happy, it also makes me happy to buy gifts for others. 🎁 That's why most I love this time of year, this winter, from December to March, every month a gift.🤗


Volim lepu odeću, volim da izgledam lepo, drugačije od ostalih, sređeno i uredno. Volim da nosim od trenerke do haljine. Prosto mi je udobno šta god obukla i umem da iznesem to.😉Nekako mi je uvek bilo bitno da sama sebi izgledam lepo i uredno, ne marim za tuđa mišljenja.😌

I like nice clothes, I like to look nice, different from others, neat and tidy. I like to wear everything from a tracksuit to a dress. I'm just comfortable in whatever I wear and I know how to express it.😉 It's always been important to me to look nice and neat to myself, I don't care about other people's opinions😌.


Jedna jako bitna vrlina mi je što se ne šminkam i ne gubim vreme na to, tačnije ne šminkam se kao većina devojka da budem neprepoznatljiva, već samo namazem kremu na lice, malo pudera, bronzera i malo maskare i to je to što se tiče moje šminke ako idem do grada ili slično.😆Zato mi je lice zaista jako čisto, mladoliko i stariji ljudi uvek misle da imam oko 14 godina, a ustvari ću uskoro 21 što je za mene veliki kompliment😍.

One very important virtue for me is that I don't wear make-up and I don't waste time on it, more precisely I don't wear make-up like most girls to be unrecognizable, but I just apply cream on my face, a little powder, bronzer and a little mascara and that's it for me makeup if I'm going to the city or something like that.😆That's why my face is really very clean, youthful and older people always think I'm around 14 years old, but actually I'll be 21 soon, which is a big compliment for me😍.


Volim da negujem kosu, da bude zdrava, čista, ne farbam se često već ponekada odradim pramenove da malo unesem promenu i to je sve.🙈 Uglavnom dosta patim za mojom dugačkom kosom, kao mlađa, imala sam kosu preko leđa, danas je ni do pola leđa, a velika greška mi je bila što sam kao mlađa stalno peglala kosu, što i dan danas radim...😶Ne peglam je toliko često kao pre, nekada je i uvijem, ali kada nemam vremena za lokne kosu moram ispeglati.🙄
Volim nekada da je držim masnu pa vežem rep, taman malo teme nahranim.😉

I like to take care of my hair, to keep it healthy, clean, I don't dye it often, but sometimes I do the strands to change it up a bit and that's all.🙈 I mostly suffer a lot with my long hair, when I was younger, I had hair over my back, today it's not even half of my back, and my big mistake was that when I was younger, I constantly ironed my hair, which I still do today...😶I don't iron it as often as before, sometimes I curl it, but when I don't have time for curls, I have to iron it.🙄
Sometimes I like to keep it fat and tie the tail, feed it just a little bit.😉


Oko obuće ne biram mnogo, što prvo vidim na oko, to i kupim, isuviše sam laka za shooping jer se ne zadržavam po radnjama, nego što prvo vidim, to kupim.🛍🤩Jedina stvar, kada uđem u bilo koju parfemeriju, tu znam da se zadržim i satima, parfemima ne umem da odolim, i obožavam da ih proučavam. A o tome detaljnije ćete videti u nekom narednom postu. Da li samo mene smiruje trošenje para i ako ih i nemam baš na pretek?😅

I don't choose much when it comes to shoes, I buy the first thing I see, I'm too easy for shopping because I don't linger around the shops, but the first thing I see, I buy. 🛍🤩The only thing, when I enter any perfumery, I know to stay for hours, I can't resist perfumes, and I love to study them. And you will see more about that in a future post. Am I the only one who calms down spending money even if I don't have a lot of it?😅

Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🛍🤩

Greeting from your Rebecca🛍🤩


Shopping then share it with others is something Will make us happy 😊

As a woman I often have complicated mind about choose the stuff that I want to buy. So, similar with you do, I just buy the stuff that I see first 😀

It is best that way, rather than changing our minds about what is better to buy and what not, we would spend our whole life shopping😂