Mislim da sam pronašla novo mesto za odlazak na "kafu", mesto koje ne može svuda da se vidi.𓀮~I think I found a new place to go for "coffee", a place that cannot be seen everywhere.𓀮

in BANAT2 years ago

Zdravo Hiver-i🙋🏻‍♀️
Sinoć smo moj najbolji drug @gestex i ja izašli malo u grad jer se zaista nismo videli dugo.🙃 Otišli smo prvo na kafu, tačnije ta naša "kafa" bude sve samo ne kafa.😂 Kada god idemo na piće, mi imamo naš kafić, naše mesto. Tako da smo prvo otišli tamo. Odjednom mu je sinulo da odemo na njegovo radno mesto🤦🏻‍♀️. On radi u kafiću "Faraon". To je kafić gde ima bilijarski stolovi🎱, stonifudbal⚽️, pikado🎯 i ostale igre🎰.

Hi Hivers🙋🏻‍♀️
Last night my best friend @gestex and I went out on the town because we really haven't seen each other in a long time. 🙃 We went for coffee first, or rather our "coffee" is anything but not coffee. 😂 Whenever we go out for a drink, we have our coffee shop , our place. So we went there first. It suddenly dawned on him that we should go to his workplace🤦🏻‍♀️. He works in the cafe "Faraon". It is a cafe where there are pool tables🎱, ping pong football⚽️, darts🎯 and other games🎰.


Ja inače nikada nisam igrala bilijar, niti sam držala štap u rukama a kamoli igrala bilijar.🥶 Međutim @gestex je toliko navaljivao da me nauči da igram, toliko je bio uporan i toliko je imao volje da me nauči da nisam mogla odbiti🤷🏻‍♀️. A najveća fora od svega, štap veći od mene🤣. Doveo je svoje kolege da bi igrali 2-2. @gestex i ja i kolega i koleginica protiv nas.🤪 Mene je toliko bilo sramota da ja to igram, prvo zato što je Faraon bio pun ljudi, pa čak i koje poznajem i koje ne poznajem a ja se tamo blamirala sa štapom koji je veći od mene a kugla veća od moje glave.😅 Međutim, koliko god da sam bila smotana mogu reći ponosno da sam jednu pobedu doprinela ja😌 a jednu @gestex tako da smo vodili u početku 2️⃣➖️0️⃣. Ali kao u svakoj igri, uglavnom se preokrenu stvari pa je na kraju bilo izjednačeno pa smo završili sa 2️⃣➖️2️⃣. I onda mi se drugar malo iznervirao.😁

By the way, I've never played billiards, nor held a stick in my hands, let alone played billiards. 🥶 However, @gestex insisted so much to teach me to play, he was so persistent and had so much will to teach me that I couldn't refuse🤷🏻‍♀️. And the biggest trick of all, a stick bigger than me🤣. He brought his colleagues to play 2-2. @gestex and me and my colleague against us. 🤪 I was so ashamed to play it, firstly because Pharaoh was full of people, even those I know and those I don't know, and I was embarrassing myself there with a bigger stick than me and the ball is bigger than my head.😅 However, as much as I was wrapped up, I can proudly say that one victory was contributed by me😌 and one by @gestex so we led at the beginning 2️⃣➖️0️⃣. But as in every game, things usually turn around so in the end it was tied so we ended up 2️⃣➖️2️⃣. And then my friend got a little annoyed.😁


Posle igre bilijara🎱 odlučili smo da sednemo i da popijemo po neko piće.🍻 Odlučili smo za pivo, pa smo krenuli lagano, 1,2,3,4...🍺 Volimo i on i ja pivo da pijemo, pa nam je lepo leglo iskreno😬. Ostali smo u kaficu skoro do zatvaranja, on je čak i pomagao kolegama oko popisa u kafiću🫡

After the pool game🎱 we decided to sit down and have a drink.🍻 We decided on beer, so we started slowly, 1,2,3,4...🍺 He and I both like to drink beer, so it's nice for us litter honestly😬. We stayed in the cafe almost until closing, he even helped his colleagues with the menu in the cafe🫡


Enterijer kafića je zaista lep, sve je u tom "Egipatskom" stilu𓂀, a ceo stil kafića možete videti u postu kod @gestex jer je baš pisao o svom radnom mestu i ima detaljno slike o celom kafiću.𓁀 Meni se iskreno sviđa taj stil, nije svakidašnji, malo je drugačiji nego ostali.🆕️

The interior of the cafe is really nice, everything is in that "Egyptian" style𓂀, and you can see the whole style of the cafe in a post by @gestex because he wrote about his workplace and has detailed pictures of the whole cafe.𓁀 I honestly like that style, it's not everyday, it's a little different than the others.🆕️


Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke𓁈

Greeting from your Rebecca𓁈


I am glad that you learned to play pool and that you had a good time, besides that I would like to publicly challenge you to a match, let's play up to 3 winning rounds, may the better one win 🎱🏆💗

As far as I'm concerned, we can play, but don't get upset like Milan did when they lost 😅💗

Hardest task was to teach you how to play 😂😂😂, but you sid very good for a first time. It was great night, nice time with you,love spending tome with you, and kinda happy that you mentioned me in the postt, wish you the best 💗💗

I'm glad you had a good night, and so did I, of course we'll do it again. At least I learned something new. I wish you all the best.💗💗