Zdravo Hiver-i🤩
Danas sam bila u glavnom gradu Srbije, u Beogradu. Razlog mog putovanja za Beograd bio je jer se otvorio novi fast-food a vlasnik njega je YouTuber kojeg sam ranije pratila, Baku Praseta zvanog Bogdana Ilića.🐽
Hi Hiver-i🤩
Today I was in the capital of Serbia, Belgrade. The reason for my trip to Belgrade was because a new fast-food opened, and the owner of it is a YouTuber I followed before, Granny Pig, Bogdan Ilić.🐽
Svi su hvalili taj fast-food i jedva sam čekala da idem da isprobam.
Već su neki upućeni koliko volim tu brzu hranu, i nisam mogla da odolim a da ne probam neke njegove specijalitete.😋
Krenula sam vozom🚈, i stigla sam posla dva sata putovanja. Od železničke stanice sam morala malo da pešačim, nekih 40 minuta do tog fast-fooda.🥵
Posle 40 minuta pešačenja, ušla sam u restoran brze hrane i iskreno na sam izgled sam se već oduševila, nisam znala šta pre da probam.🤯
Uzela sam da jedem neku pljeskavicu koja je ljudi moji bila toliko dobra.🍔
Everyone praised that fast food and I couldn't wait to go and try it.
Some have already told me how much I love that fast food, and I couldn't resist trying some of its specialties.😋
I took the train 🚈, and I arrived at work after a two-hour journey. I had to walk a bit from the train station, about 40 minutes to that fast food.🥵
After 40 minutes of walking, I entered a fast food restaurant and honestly I was already delighted by the appearance, I didn't know what to try first.🤯
I went to eat some burger that my people was so good.🍔
Bila je punjena nekim čvarcima, kačkavaljem, dakle predobra pljeskavica, 300gr da sam je jedva pojela.😂
Posle toga, uzela sam neki wafl koji je dosta atraktivan. Malo je neprikladan, ali dosta popularan i što je najbitnije ukusan😅.
It was filled with some cracklings, cheese, so the patty was too good, 300 grams, I barely ate it.😂
After that, I took some waffle, which is quite attractive. It's a bit inappropriate, but quite popular and most importantly, it's delicious😅.
Iskrena da budem, nisam se pokajala što sam prešla određen put da bih probala nešto, u životu treba svašta probati, pa čak i tu neku pljeskavicu iz drugog grada i novog restorana.😁
Vratila sam se kući na sledeći voz, sa kaficom i iskreno preumorna, ali mislim da mi se isplatilo jer sam se vratila sita.😉
To be honest, I didn't regret that I crossed a certain path to try something, in life you have to try everything, and even that burger from another city and a new restaurant.😁
I returned home on the next train, with a coffee and honestly too tired, but I think it was worth it because I came back full.😉
Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🍔🥰
Greeting from your Rebecca🍔🥰
I'm curious about the burger pictures more. Or, you just eat them without taking pictures 😅
Well, I often travel to another city just to eat my favorite food. Always fun to do it!
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take a picture of the burger because I ate it right away😭
There will surely be more interesting things😁