San koji se ponavljao svaku noć mesec dana.😰~A dream that repeated itself every night for a month.😰

in BANAT2 years ago

Zdravo Hiver-i😃
Da li ste nekada razmišljali onako kao ja što umem, da li sve što sanjate ima značenje neko?🫣 Ja uglavnom sve što sanjam odmah odem da pretražujem po internetu šta znači to nešto što sam sanjala.🤣2018. godine sam sanjala skoro mesec dana za redom jedan te isti san.😵Počela sam da se brinem, i ako nikada nikome nisam rekla da mi se to dešava...😶‍🌫️San je bio svake večeri čim utonem u san.
San je počinjao kako se ja šetam parkom🛝 i izlazim iz parka ka ulici koja se zove "Balkanska".
Dok bih ja ulazila u ulicu, neki čovek, bi krenuo da me juri kroz tu Balkansku ulicu.
Čovek u mom snu je bio visok, uvek u crno🕴🏻 obučen, imao bi kačket🧢, neku tkaninu preko lica i bio bi isuviše brz🏃🏻‍♂️.
Dok bih ja bežala, on bi uvek bio brži i samo bi me zgrabio u ruke, i odveo bi me na kraj ulice u neku zapuštenu kuću i tu bi me u toj kući silovao.
Dok bih ja plakala i vrištala i molila za pomoć, niko mi u snu nije pomogao niti je ikada ikog bilo.
Nažalost, osetila sam u snu tu bol, dešavalo mi se da se probudim u suzama💧, i sve što sam osetila u snu, kada bih se probudila osećala bih se umorno, kao da sam stvarno bežala, trčala, i kao da mi se stvarno to desilo😪.
To je trajalo jako dugo, svake večeri, skoro mesec dana.⏳️
Isti san, potpuno, bez i jedne promene, bez i jednog detalja više ili manje.
Pošto je svaki put bio isti san, ista bol i sve je bilo isto, ja sam počela da se raspitujem zašto sanjam već duže vreme jedan te isti san. Zašto svaki put osećam to što osećam, zašto je to svake večeri...😫
Šta god bih pretražila bilo bi da su to znaci depresije ili slično.😠
Nisam želela da se požalim mami, ili bilo kom drugom jer sam se plašila da će drugi misliti da sam skrenula sa uma, da sam luda, da ću biti u bolnici smeštena, plašila sam se da mi niko neće verovati.🤷🏻‍♀️
Nakon malo manje od mesec dana, snovi su prestali da se javljaju, nekako su samo izbledeli🌫, generalno prestala sam da sanjam, i posle mi se desilo još par puta da sam sanjala taj san ali ne svakog dana. Više ga ne sanjam, i ako se sada plašim da ga ne sanjam posto pišem o njemu i u podsvesti mi je.😵‍💫

Hi Hivers😃
Have you ever thought the way I do, does everything you dream have a meaning?🫣 I usually go to search the internet for everything I dream about, what the meaning of that thing I dreamed is.🤣
In 2018, I dreamed one and the same dream for almost a month in a row.😵
I started to worry, and if I never told anyone that this was happening to me...😶‍🌫️
The dream was every night as soon as I fell asleep.
The dream started when I was walking in the park 🛝 and leaving the park towards the street called "Balkanska".
While I would enter the street, some man would start chasing me through that Balkan street.
The man in my dream was tall, always dressed in black🕴🏻, he would have a cap🧢, some fabric over his face and he would be too fast🏃🏻‍♂️.
While I would run away, he would always be faster and would just grab me in his arms, and he would take me to the end of the street to some run-down house and rape me in that house.
While I would cry and scream and beg for help, no one helped me in my dream, nor has anyone ever been.
Unfortunately, I felt that pain in my dream, I used to wake up in tears💧, and everything I felt in my dream, when I woke up I would feel tired, as if I really ran, ran, and as if I really felt like that happened😪.
It lasted for a very long time, every evening, for almost a month.⏳️
The same dream, completely, without a single change, without a single detail more or less.
Since every time it was the same dream, the same pain and everything was the same, I started to question why I have been dreaming the same dream for a long time. Why do I feel what I feel every time, why is it every night...😫
Whatever I would look for it would be signs of depression or similar.😠
I didn't want to complain to my mom or anyone else because I was afraid that others would think I was out of my mind, that I was crazy, that I would be hospitalized, I was afraid that no one would believe me. 🤷🏻‍♀️
After a little less than a month, the dreams stopped happening, somehow they just faded away🌫, in general I stopped dreaming, and after that it happened to me a few more times that I dreamed that dream, but not every day. I don't dream about him anymore, and if I'm afraid now that I don't dream about him, it's because I'm writing about him and it's in my subconscious.😵‍💫


Ovo na slici je ta Balkanska ulica iz sna.

This in the picture is that Balkan street from the dream


A ovaj ulaz sa leve strane, je ustvari park iz kog bih ja izašla i ulazila u ulicu.

And this entrance on the left is actually a park from which I would exit and enter the street.

Dugo sam se plašila noću da zaspim😶, pa sam samu sebe iscrpljivala da ne spavam, trudila sam se da što duže ostanem budna
Pila sam puno energetskih pića🥤 i trudila sam se da što duže budem za lap-topom ili telefonom.🥱
Plašila sam se samo, nisam želela više da sanjam a nisam znala kako da se izborim sa tim.😔
I eto, vremenom, nekako sam uspela da izbacim taj san iz svoje glave, ali ni dan danas ne legnem pre 2,3 ujutru.
Mali strah je i dalje prisutan...🤐

For a long time I was afraid to fall asleep at night😶, so I exhausted myself not to sleep, I tried to stay awake as long as possible
I drank a lot of energy drinks🥤 and I tried to stay on the laptop or the phone for as long as possible.🥱
I was just afraid, I didn't want to dream anymore and I didn't know how to deal with it.😔
And so, over time, I somehow managed to get that dream out of my head, but even today I don't go to bed before 2, 3 in the morning.
A little fear is still present...🤐


Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke😊

Greeting from your Rebecca😊


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I don't search for the meaning of my dreams to be honest. I would go crazy, so I just don't.

You on the other hand should talk to a specialist, to help you move on from those dreams. Drinking energy drinks and staying up all night is not the solution. I hope those bad dreams never come back, but if they do, as I said, you should talk to a specialist as it can harm your health system. Good luck!

Ahahaha, I just like to know everything, that's why I'm searching... The dreams stopped, thank God I don't have that dream anymore, it stopped coming to me after a couple of months. 😄