Kako preživeti prvi let avionom ✈️✈️✈️ How to survive your first airplane flight✈️✈️✈️

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Zdravo svima,ovaj post je posvećen svima koji nikada nisu leteli, a to planiraju ili onima koji imaju iskustva sa putovanjem avionom a žele da se podsete kako su se osećali prvi put kada su leteli.

Hello everyone, this post is dedicated to everyone who has never flown and is planning to do so, or to those who have experience traveling by plane and want to remember how they felt the first time they flew.

Meni je ovo bilo prvo putovanje avionom i da budem iskrena baš baš sam imala tremu. Trema je krenula da me hvata nekih dva dana pred put.Pomoglo mi je to što sam pričala sa ljudima koji su već leteli pa su mi oni objasnili procedure na aerodromu,tako da sam znala šta me očekuje. Letela sam sa Wiz air kompanijom.Kartu sam uzela nekih mesec i po ranije. Ja sam je uzela preko jedne agencije za avio karte ali to vam ne bih preporucila jer me je izaslo skuplje oko četiri hiljade nego da sam uzela direktno preko Wiz aira,ali pošto nisam imala iskustva sa kupovinom avionske karte ispalo je tako. Imala sam samo ručni prtljag, koji je smeo da bude dimenzija 40,30,20 cm i (malo veci ranac) i da bude tezak maksimalno 10 kilograma.Sa strane sam imala malu torbicu za pasoš,novac i telefon. Svako prekoračenje dimenzija se dodatno naplaćuje, tako da ako niste spremni da dodatno plaćate cifre koje nisu baš male gledajte da ispoštujete propise za prtljag.

This was my first trip by plane and to be honest I was very nervous. I started getting nervous about two days before the trip. It helped me that I talked to people who had already flown, so they explained the procedures at the airport, so I knew what to expect. I flew with the Wiz air company. I took the ticket about a month and a half before. I took it through an airline ticket agency, but I wouldn't recommend it to you because it cost me about four thousand more than if I had taken it directly through Wiz Air, but since I had no experience with buying an airplane ticket, it turned out like that. I only had hand luggage, which was allowed to measure 40, 30, 20 cm and (a slightly larger backpack) and weigh a maximum of 10 kilograms. On the side, I had a small purse for my passport, money and phone. Any excess dimensions are charged extra, so if you are not ready to pay extra for figures that are not very small, make sure you comply with the baggage regulations.




Na aerodrom se ne može unositi hrana i voda,sve se tamo kupuje ali su jače cene. Na aerodromu treba da budete minimum 2 h pre leta.Kada stignete na prvo što radite jeste da idete na šalter da uzmete bording kart i čekirate se. Kada to odradite idete na pregled stvari,skidate jaknu,sat,kaiš i svoj prtljag,malu torbicu stavljate na skener i vi takođe prolazite kroz detektor metala. Zatim sledi pasoška kontrola i onda idete do vašeg izlaza koji vam je na bording karti. Na svakom aerodromu je jasno označeno kuda treba da idete tako da nemojte da brinete. U red za ukrcavanje za avion stanite sat vremena pre leta,nemojte kasnije jer ranije zatvaraju terminal. Dok sve to čekate imate sređen prostor za sedenje,razne radnjice i kafiće i WI-FI tako da vam neće biti dosadno na aerodromu. Kada stanete kod svog izlaza za ukrcavanje jos jednom će vam proveriti pasoše i zatim vas radnici usmeravaju kuda ulazite.

Food and water cannot be brought into the airport, everything can be bought there, but the prices are higher. You should be at the airport at least 2 hours before the flight. When you arrive, the first thing you do is go to the counter to get your boarding card and check in. When you've done that, you go to check your things, take off your jacket, watch, belt and your luggage, put your small purse on the scanner and you also go through the metal detector. Then comes the passport control and then you go to your exit which is on your boarding pass. At each airport it is clearly marked where you need to go so don't worry. Stand in line for boarding the plane an hour before the flight, don't do it later because they close the terminal earlier. While you're waiting for all that, you have an arranged seating area, various shops and cafes and WI-FI, so you won't be bored at the airport. When you stop at your boarding gate, your passports will be checked once more and then the staff will direct you to where you are going to enter.







U avionu vam posada objašnjava kako da se ponašate,čak vam pokazuju i znakovno za slučaj da ne razumete nijedan jezik kojim govore. Bitno je da stavite sve uređaje u avionski režim ili ih skroz isključite kako vam se ne bi pokvarili prilikom leta,takođe se treba vezati pre poletanja i prolikom sletanja,to signalizira kapetan. Tokom leta vas stjuardese nude hranom,pićem,kozmetikom(to se naravno dodatno naplaćuje),možete se slobodno kretati,ići u toalet.Kada polećete i slećete uši mogu da vam se zapuše i zuje ali zapravo nije ništa strašno.Ako se plašite,zaboravićete na strah kada budete videli pogled.Ja sam imala sreće da sedim do prozora pa sam mogla da napravim lepe fotografije i sa vama podelim delic atmosfere.❣️❣️❣️

On the plane, the crew explains how to behave, they even show you signs in case you don't understand any of the languages ​​they speak. It is important to put all devices in airplane mode or turn them off completely so that they don't break down during the flight, you should also strap in before takeoff and during landing, the captain signals. During the flight, the flight attendants offer you food, drinks, cosmetics (of course there is an additional charge), you can move freely, go to the toilet. When you take off and land, your ears may get clogged and buzz, but it's actually nothing terrible. If you're afraid, you'll forget fear when you see the view. I was lucky to sit by the window, so I could take nice photos and share a part of the atmosphere with you. ❣️❣️❣️













Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Sare.

Greetings to all Hivers from Sara.


Flying is a wonderful experience in my opinion. I had bumpy rides too, good thing it wasn't my first one, so I knew a normal flight is not like that. You'll get used to it in time.

I hope so, because I really liked it and intend to fly again✈️🥰

I'll be happy to fly for you next time!

I wish you a good time and successful days! 🤩 🌹

Thank you Anchi!!❣️❣️❣️