Zdravo svima,posle povratka u Srbiju ovih par dana mi je bilo dosta mirno.Nisam preterano izlazila iz kuće i odmarala sam. To moje kratko „penzionisanje“ je prekinuo poziv mojih rođaka koji su rekli da mama,tata i ja moramo obavezno sa njima u novi kafić koji se otvorio u našem gradu.Za nekih sat vremena smo se našli tamo sa njima.Čim sam ušla u lokal odmah mi se svideo,imao je iscrtane grafite po zidu i na policama su zakačeni stari instrumenti,stari radio.Jako mi se svidela dekoracija,zidovi nisu glatki već su u cigli.
Hello everyone, after returning to Serbia these past few days I was quite calm. I didn't leave the house too much and I rested. My short "retirement" was interrupted by a call from my relatives who said that mom, dad and I must go with them to the new cafe that opened in our town. In about an hour we were there with them. As soon as I entered the bar I liked it immediately, it had graffiti on the wall and there were old instruments and an old radio hanging on the shelves. I really liked the decoration, the walls are not smooth but made of bricks.
Iako je bio radni dan,kafić je bio prepun jer su to veče u njemu nastupali srednjoškolci iz muzičke škole iz džez odseka.Bio je jedan dečko sa gitarom,jedan dečko koji svira bubnjeve,jedan za klavijaturom,jedan aa saksofonom i jedna devojka preleepog glasa.Svojim šarmom i energijom su nas sve podigli na noge.U kafiću je bilo svih mogućih generacija,od male dece,srednjoškolaca,studenata,do baka i deka i svi smo zajedno igrali i aplaudirali.
Even though it was a weekday, the cafe was full because that evening high school students from the music school from the jazz department were performing in it. There was a guy with a guitar, a guy playing drums, a guy at the keyboard ,a guy at the saxophone and a girl with a beautiful voice. with their energy, they got us all on our feet. There were all possible generations in the cafe, from small children, high school students, students, to grandparents, and we all danced and applauded together.
Definitivno ću od sada biti veran posetilac Soul kafića jer zaista mislim da se izdvaja iz mase sličnih kafića u Vršcu i da će uskoro postati kultno mesto za izlazak Vrščana od jedne do sto jedne godine.🥳🥳🥳🥳♥️♥️
I will definitely be a loyal visitor to Soul Cafe from now on, because I really think that stands out from the crowd of similar cafes in Vršac and that it will soon become a cult place for people from one to one hundred and one years old to go out.🥳🥳🥳🥳 ♥️♥️
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