Ovih dana bas je pao sneg tako da sam bila bas srecna zbog snega.
Uvek kad pada sneg se radujem podseca me na moje detinjstvo kad sam bila mala tad u to vreme je bilo bas puno snega.
Sad sve manje ima ali eto bar se obraduju deca.
Moja cerka isto obozava sneg.
It's been snowing these days so I was really happy for the snow.
Whenever it snows, I look forward to it, it reminds me of my childhood when I was little, there was a lot of snow at that time.
Now there are fewer and fewer, but at least the children are happy.
My daughter also loves snow.
I za kraj moja cerka kako uziva u snegu.
Pozdrav iz Vrsca dragi prijatelji.
And finally, my daughter enjoys the snow.
Greetings from Vrsac, dear friends.