Kisni dan,opet,treći dan,dosada.
Kuci sam sa tri klinca, koji vise neznaju sta da rade. Vec su počela i prva zadirkivanja. Na TV od jutros samo Sundjer Bob. Treba nesto da uradim i zabavim decu? Upalila mi se "sijalica" imam strasnu ideju!
Ej imam ideju, znam sta cemo da se igramo! Daj brzo papir i olovke.
I poceo sam da crtam.
Rainy day, again, third day, boredom.
I'm at home with three kids, who don't know what to do anymore. The first teasing has already begun. Only Sponge Bob on TV since this morning. Need something to do and entertain the kids? My "light bulb" came on, I have a great idea!
Hey, I have an idea, I know what we're going to play! Give me paper and pencils quickly.
And I started to draw.
I crtam.
And I draw.
I crtam.
And I draw.
I bojim, bojim, bojim.
And I paint, paint, paint.
Wow, deci je osmeh na licu od uveta do uveta, pogodio sam pravu stvar, deca su oduševljeni, a ja sam crtao, bojio, crtao bojio...
Wow, the children have a smile on their face from time to time, I guessed the right thing, the children are delighted, and I drew, colored, drew and colored...
To je to!!!
Covece ne ljuti se? Sundjer Bob!
Pa ovo nema nigde na svetu, napravio sam sto niko nije!? Kakva ideja, genijalno!
That's it!!!
Man, don't you get angry? Sponge Bob!
Well, this doesn't exist anywhere in the world, I made what no one else has!? What an idea, genius!
Pa hajde da se igramo!
So let's play!
Brzo smo nasli figurice i kockice, i kocka je bacena, krenimooooo.
We quickly found figurines and dice, and the die was cast, let's goooooo.
Dosla nam je i mama sa posla, moramo i sa njom da odigrano partiju.
Mom came from work and we have to play a game with her.
Sta da vam kažem, mama nas je pobedila, hej covece ne ljuti se!? Ha ha ha
What can I tell you, mom beat us, hey man don't be mad!? Ha ha ha