Nekada davno, kazu naši stari, da je postojala zima i da je padao sneg u Vojvodini. Vojvodjanska zima!? Poznata svuda po svojoj surovosti, duga i oštra, od Novembra do Marta. Košava je duvala danima brzina vetra preko 100 km/h, temperatura se spuštala i ispod -20c, a sneg je samo padao i padao, cele zime.
Once upon a time, our elders say, there was a winter and it snowed in Vojvodina. Vojvodina winter!? Known everywhere for its harshness, long and sharp, from November to March. For days, wind speeds over 100 km/h were blowing in Košava, the temperature dropped below -20C, and the snow just kept falling, all winter long.
Sve je bilo zaledjeno. Vozovi nisu mogli da se kreću, jedini prevoz bile su velike sanke koje su vukli konji. Grejalo se na drva starim pećima a deca su spavala pored peći u perjanim jastucima i jorganima. Jela se slanina, šunka, sir, stari su pili kuvano vino i rakiju. Večeri su se provodila uz pesmu i zvuke tambure, igranju karti, i uz svetlost sveća.
Everything was frozen. Trains could not move, the only transport was a large sleigh pulled by horses. It was heated with wood using old stoves, and the children slept next to the stove in feather pillows and quilts. Bacon, ham, cheese were eaten, the old people drank mulled wine and brandy. The evenings were spent with songs and tambourine sounds, playing cards, and candlelight.
Kako ja pamtim zimu? Prvi mraz dolazi krajem Novembra i deda i otac spremaju se za zimu, meso i mesna prerada, seča drva u šumi, ubrzo počinje da pada sneg, preko noći i 30 cm, Još pred zoru belina snega osvetlila je stakla na prozoru i sobu, stakla na prozoru mraz je išarao ledenim ukrasima. Jedva smo čekali da ustanemo i provodili smo ceo dan na snegu. Puna ulica dece, i sankanje niz put, automobila skoro da nije ni bilo. Sankanje u potoku Mesic, a pravi izazov odlazak na Vrsačkom bregu. Pravljenje Sneška Belića, ko moze većeg da napravi. Velike čizme od starijeg brata, smrznute rukavice, štrikane vunene kape i čarape. Pravili smo sami skije, a sanke bi nam ocevi pravili, nas cetvorica smo mogli da sednemo. I bili smo veoma zdrava deca, pili iz iste flaše i delili krišku hleba.
How do I remember winter? The first frost comes at the end of November and grandfather and father are preparing for the winter, meat and meat processing, cutting wood in the forest, soon it starts to snow, overnight and 30 cm, Even before dawn, the whiteness of the snow lit up the window panes and the room, the panes on the window the frost was streaked with ice decorations. We couldn't wait to get up and spent the whole day in the snow. A street full of children, and sledding down the road, there were almost no cars. Sledding in the Mesic stream, and the real challenge is going to Vrsački brega. Making Sneško Belić, who can make a bigger one. Big brother boots, frozen gloves, knitted woolen caps and socks. We made our own skis, and our fathers would make the sledges, the four of us could sit down. And we were very healthy children, drinking from the same bottle and sharing a slice of bread.
Danas, deca i neznaju šta je zima i sneg. Sneg je prava retkost, dali je krivo globalno zagrevanje ili se neki ljudi igraju bogova, mi vise nemamo Vojvodjansku zimu. Ponekad i padne 2-3 cm snega pa iskoristim priliku da sa sinom odemo na Vrsačkom bregu. Deca se raduju to sto malo padne sneg,al neznaju kako je pre bilo puno snega i preko cele zime.
Today, children don't even know what winter and snow are. Snow is a real rarity, whether global warming is to blame or some people are playing gods, we no longer have a Vojvodina winter. Sometimes 2-3 cm of snow falls, so I use the opportunity to go to Vrsačka brega with my son. The children are happy that it snowed a little, but they don't know how before there was a lot of snow all winter long.
Jednom sam u šali rekao da kada budemo pričali svojoj deci kako je pre bilo, da nam nece verovati, i eto desilo se. Iako je Januar 2023. Kiša pada već danima, nešto je u najavi da bi trebalo da bude sneg, desilo se čudo pa je počeo da pada,za dva sata napravio je pokrivač i sve se zabelelo. Znak da treba otići na breg,čizme, kapa, rukavice, topla jakna i pravac breg. Za razliku od grada na bregu me je dočekala gusta magla i niska temperatura i predivna priroda. Za mene koji voli pravu zimu i sneg, ovo nije ništa. Prelep breg,i predeo crkve svetog Križa, i svetog Teodora, vidikovac ka gradu. Donosimo vam prelepe slike. Pluća mi se napunila čistog vazduha a disajni putevi očistili. Na bregu sam proveo do večeri kada sam se vratio kući. Nažalost sneg se istopio. Čekam još pravu Vojvodjansku zimu.
I once jokingly said that when we tell our children how it used to be, they won't believe us, and that's what happened. Although it is January 2023, it has been raining for days, there is something in the announcement that it should snow, a miracle happened and it started to rain, in two hours it made a blanket and everything turned white. A sign that you should go to the mountain, boots, hat, gloves, warm jacket and the direction of the mountain. Unlike the city on the hill, I was greeted by thick fog and low temperature and beautiful nature. For me, who loves real winter and snow, this is nothing. A beautiful hill, and the area of the Church of St. Cross and St. Theodore, a viewpoint towards the city. We bring you beautiful pictures. My lungs were filled with clean air and my airways cleared. I spent on the hill until the evening when I returned home. Unfortunately the snow has melted. I'm still waiting for a real Vojvodina winter.
Lepe fotografije, nažalost nije dugo trajalo! Nadajmo se da će biti još snega.
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Trajalo je jedan dan ali ti si uneo ovim fotografijama zimu za bar 10 dana! 🤗
Svidja mi se što si slikao na bregu. Super, baš si se potrudio… 👋