Turning 18 (my birthday party)🎂

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

How would a lot of people say "The 18th rose was added to the bouquet of my life"🥀.
It's a bit strange. The feeling that I have now that I entered the world of adults. After so many years of waiting for that, I am now a little afraid of failure, judgment, making wrong decisions, but at the same time I am happy about everything that awaits me in the future and that I will finally be an independent woman.


On July 19 was my birthday and that day I invited my friends to my birthday party. I took care of everything myself, music, food, cake, drinks. I was a little worried that something would not turn out well, but in the end everything was more than good, everyone had a good time,they got a little drunk and even the food was great🥪🍹.
The day before that, I went to Belgrade with my boyfriend to buy a white dress. In the end, I didn't buy a dress, but a corset and shorts. But I definitely felt like a princess the whole evening.

As for birthday presents, of course I like to get something interesting. I know that many people today prefer money. But on the other hand, in my opinion, it's too boring. I like surprises, so I prefer something cheap, but unusual and memorable. My sister was with me, my boyfriend and my friends,everyone was feeling great and that was my favorite gift.❤️

Enjoy my photos and cheers!🥳🍾

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Wow ☺️.
Happy birthday in arrears beautiful ❤️
I hope this year brings the best gifts you deserve, your friends and family sure had fun 😊.

Tnank you Deborah💕 Kisses💋🌹

Hive-Banat Zajednica.Srećan rođendan @viktoria-erina , želi vam cela



Želimo vam puno uspeha u daljem radu, kao i mnogo zanimljivih slika, tema i postova.

Hvala Vam najlepše!

Happy B-Day 🍰

Thank you ❤️