Boje, platno i osmeh! 🎨❤️‍🔥♨️ Colors, canvas and smile!

in BANAT2 years ago

Danas sam rešila da vrućinu izbegnem tako što ću da slikam. Izbor je pao na simbol mog grada- Kula!
Nalazi se na brdu, nadmorskoj visini od 399 metara. Potiče još iz vremena Turaka.
Kada noću dolazite iz pravca ka gradu, prizor je jedinstven.
Vidi se Kula na vencu planina a grad odmah u podnožju sija i svetluca kao more što nije daleko od istine jer je na tom mestu nekada bilo panonsko more.
Uživajte u slikama.😊🍷

Today I decided to avoid the heat by taking pictures. The choice fell on the symbol of my city - the Tower!
It is located on a hill, at an altitude of 399 meters. It dates back to the time of the Turks.
When you come from the direction of the city at night, the scene is unique.
You can see the Tower on the ridge of the mountains and the city right at the foot of it shines and sparkles like the sea, which is not far from the truth because the Pannonian Sea used to be there.
Enjoy the pictures.😊🍷






Ako se neko od vas ikada bude uputio ka ovom prelepom vojvodjanskim gradu, rado ću ga voditi da Kulu pogleda uživo! 😍

If one of you ever heads to this beautiful Vojvodina city, I will be happy to take him to see the Tower live! 😍

Prijatan dan vam želim! 🍷

I wish you a pleasant day! 🍷

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!