Jer voda je lek. 🌊 💧 🫧 Because water is medicine.

in BANAT3 years ago

Kaźu da voda smiruje i izvlači negativnu energiju, zato ja najviše imam priča o vodi ali i prirodi uopšte.

Evo jedne male priče o meditativnom danu kroz ulice Španije ali većinu dana sam provela pored vode. Vodu smatram velikom snažnom silom. Voda uvek nadje izlaz/prolaz, zato voda treva da nam bude primer kako živeti život koji nije uvek lak i jednostavan. Voda je takodje kao mudar čovek, prilagidjava se svakoj sredini i nežno bez sile izbegava i zaibilazi prepreke. “Budi kao voda, prijatelju moj”- rekao je davno majstor kineske birilačke veštine, Bruce Lee!

They say that water calms and draws out negative energy, that's why I mostly have stories about water, but also nature in general.

Here is a little story about a meditative day through the streets of Spain, but I spent most of the day by the water. I consider water a great powerful force. Water always finds a way out, so water should be an example to us of living a life that is not always easy and simple. Water is also like a wise man, he adapts to any environment and gently avoids and avoids obstacles without force. "Be like water, my friend" - said a long time ago the master of Chinese voting skills, Bruce Lee!


Ja sam Rak u horoskopu i za mene kao vodeni znak voda je jako simbolična i važna. Hladna voda keči telo, neophodno je piti puno vode. Da li znate da maseru nakon madaže dugo drže ruke ispod mlaza vode koja izvlači negativnu energiju koju su upili od raznih ljudi? Da, voda izvlači negativnu energiju. Sem pitke vode koja je jako važna, na drugom mestu je MORE!!! ❤️❤️❤️

I am Cancer in the horoscope and for me as a water sign water is very symbolic and important. Cold water irritates the body, it is necessary to drink plenty of water. Did you know that masseurs keep their hands under a stream of water for a long time after the massage, which draws out the negative energy they have absorbed from various people? Yes, water draws out negative energy. Apart from drinking water, which is very important, the SEA is in second place !!! ❤️❤️❤️


Moj osmeh sve govori. 😆
Nakon ovog poziranha ubrzo sam imala nezgodu. Jela sam neke maslinke iz konzerve na koju sam isekla prst. Rana nije bila mala. Umesto da sam otišla kid lekara, intuitivno sam zamičila nogu u slanu vodu, verujući da ću tako dobro dezinfikovati i oprati. Ostala sam još dugo na plaži. Kada smo krenuli, hodala sam po prašini koja se zalepila za ranu koju sam kasnije oprala, možda sam imala ludu sreću jer na moju radost, sve je dobro prošlo.

My smile says it all. 😆
After this pose I soon had an accident. I ate some olives from a can on which I cut my finger. The wound was not small. Instead of going to the kid's doctor, I intuitively dipped my foot in salt water, believing that I would disinfect and wash so well. I stayed on the beach for a long time. When we left, I was walking on the dust that stuck to the wound that I later washed, maybe I was crazy lucky because to my joy, everything went well.




Da bih se malo utešila, usput sam zastala na jednoj drugoj plaži gde sam se igrajući ovim neobičnim gušterom ( ćerkina igračka ), gledala u čamac koji je bio kao naslikan i verovatno pun priča.

To console myself a little, I stopped at another beach along the way, where I was playing with this unusual lizard (my daughter's toy), looking at a boat that was painted and probably full of stories.


Nakon uživanja poted mora krenuli smo kući ali pre povratka odlučili smo da prošetamo egzotičnim ulicama Malog gradića koji je pun predivnog sadržaja.

After enjoying the sea, we headed home, but before returning we decided to take a walk through the exotic streets of the Little Town, which is full of beautiful content.




Lepi restorani, prodavnice suvenira, kafići, jako privlače turiste pa ne možete brzo da odete.😁
Nakon divno provedenog dana, stigli smo kući i obavezno smo morali da gricnemo nešto. Izbor je bio sendvič sa mahunarkama. Inače, u Španiji svaka hrana izgleda kao umetnička slika. Puna boja i ikusa!

Beautiful restaurants, souvenir shops, cafes, attract tourists so you can't leave quickly.
After a wonderful day, we arrived home and we definitely had to have a bite to eat. The choice was a sandwich with legumes. By the way, in Spain, every food looks like an art painting. Full of color and icus!


Bila je ovo još jedna morska priča, uživajte u danu! ❤️

This was another sea story, enjoy your day! ❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.