Rutina ume da bude dosadna i da nam najlepše stvari gube smisao ako se ponavljaju u istom ritmu.
Zato smo se moj drug i ja popeli visoko, da, samo da bi kafu popili. ❤️☕
Routine can be boring and the most beautiful things lose their meaning if they are repeated in the same rhythm.
That's why my friend and I went up high, yes, just to drink coffee. ❤️☕
Seli smo i naručili kafe u restoranu na najlepšem Vidikovcu koji se zove "Izazov". Pravo mesto!☝️
We sat down and ordered coffee in a restaurant on the most beautiful Vidikovac called "Izazov". The right place!☝️
Dok so pili kafu na svežem vazduhu, oblaci su plesali pred našim očima...
While drinking coffee in the fresh air, the clouds danced before our eyes...
Oblaci su se stalno pomerali jer ih je sunce stalno guralo zracima i nije im dalo da bude na jednom mestu.☀️⛅🌤️
The clouds kept moving because the sun kept pushing them with its rays and didn't let them stay in one place.☀️⛅🌤️
Zaboravili smo na vreme a onda nas je hladan vetrić podsetio da krenemo kući.
We forgot about the time and then a cold breeze reminded us to go home.
Spuštanje niz brdo je bilo zabavno i puno smeha podsećajući se nekih zabavnih momenata iz detinjstva...
Pozdrav dragim Hajverima i nadam se da smo bas razbudili ovom planinskom kafom...
Going down the hill was fun and full of laughs reminiscing about some fun childhood moments...
Greetings, dear Hiver, and I hope we woke you up with this mountain coffee...
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!