Porodica kao ključ sreće. 👨‍👩‍👧 Family as the key to happiness.

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Često zaboravljamo koliko je neophodno da negujemo porodične odnose. Porodicaje naša baza kojoj se uvek vraćamo. Naša snaga i podrška. Nekada smo prezauzeti ali ono što je bitno to je da naši voljeni uvek znaju koliko ih volimo. Svakog dana moramo biti svesni da su naši najbliži uvek vetar u ledja.
Smejte se sa njima zajedno, delite zajedničke obroke, radite zajedno i glupirajte se zajedno. Gradite poverenje i poštovanje. Danas je moju porodicu okupilo finale u fudbalu.🥰⚽️ Poenta je bila u zajedničkom navijanju, radovanju, druženju.

We often forget how important it is to nurture family relationships. Families are our base to which we always return. Our strength and support. Sometimes we are too busy, but what is important is that our loved ones always know how much we love them. Every day we must be aware that our loved ones are always a wind at our backs.
Laugh with them together, share meals together, work together and fool around together. Build trust and respect. Today, my family gathered for the football final. The point was cheering, rejoicing, and socializing together.





Okupljanje oko trpeze ima poseban značaj. Za stolom se uvek pričaju neke priče, razmenjuju vesti, uživa u divnoj hrani, širi toplina doma.

Gathering around the table has a special significance. Some stories are always told at the table, news is exchanged, delicious food is enjoyed, the warmth of the home spreads.







Sociološka istraživanja pokazuju da porodice koje imaju zajedničke obroke su srećnije od drugih. Materijalno bogatstvo ne utiče znatno na sreću porodice ali je bitno da ima toliko da ne ugrozi njenu sigurnost. Bitnija je atmosfera od najnovijih telefona.

Sociological research shows that families that have meals together are happier than others. Material wealth does not significantly affect the happiness of the family, but it is important to have enough to not endanger its security. The atmosphere is more important than the latest phones.




Naravno, postoje i disfunkcionalne porodice za koje nismo mi krivi i na koje ne možemo puno uticati ako smo deca. Ne mogu se pohvaliti periodom mog detinjstva. Bilo je teško i materijalno i emotivno ali danas pamtim samo lepe momente jer naša psiha tako funkcioniše. Takve situacije mogu ostaviti teške posledice ali kad odrastemo, imamo mogućnost da to promenimo i ne ponavljamo iste greške. Jednostavno pokupite razbijene delove i opet se sastavite. Stresete prašinu prošlosti i nastavite sa životom dalje. Život je uvek borba.
Nakon obroka, zauzeli smo svoja mesta- počela je utakmica! ⚽️

Of course, there are also dysfunctional families that are not our fault and that we cannot influence much if we are children. I cannot boast about the period of my childhood. It was difficult both materially and emotionally, but today I remember only good moments because our psyche works that way. Such situations can leave serious consequences, but when we grow up, we have the ability to change it and not repeat the same mistakes. Simply pick up the broken pieces and put yourself back together. Shake off the dust of the past and move on with life. Life is always a struggle.
After the meal, we took our seats - the game started! ⚽️



Argentina:Francuska. Kakva utakmica! Nikad bolje finale! Oba tima su funkcionisala kao porodice koje funkcionišu kao jedno! Borbenost, zalaganje, golovi, padanje, ustajanje! Uigrani i iskusni igrači su večeras bili na zavidnom nivou. Drugo poluvreme je donelo puno uzbudjenja. Do kraja utakmice se nije znalo ko će pobediti ali dok čitate ovaj post, sigurno već znate, Argentina je posle penala osvojila prvo mesto. Čestitamo prvacima! 🏆⚽️👏
Dobro raspoloženje se širilo po kući. Zadovoljni rezultatom, zasladili smo se kolačem! 😊🍰

Argentina: France. What a match! Never a better finale! Both teams functioned like families functioning as one! Combativeness, efforts, goals, falling, getting up! Coordinated and experienced players were at an enviable level tonight. The second half brought a lot of excitement. Until the end of the game, it was not known who would win, but while you are reading this post, you probably already know that Argentina won first place after penalties. Congratulations to the champions! 🏆⚽️👏
A good mood spread throughout the house. Satisfied with the result, we sweetened ourselves with a cake! 😊🍰




Divno je imati porodicu ali nekada i prijatelji mogu biti naša porodica. Nekada su oni odličan tim sa kojima možda i bolje funkcionišete. Čuvajte ih i volite. Mi smo socijalna bića i imamo potrebu za toplinom dodira, nežnim rečima, podrškom. Bitno je da se ne povlačite u sebe. U skladu sa mogućnostima, pomažite drugima, podržavajte, tešite, dajte im olakšanje i utehu. Širite osećaj zajednice. I ne morate da budete savršena porodica sa reklame, budite srećna i obična porodica. To je sasvim dovoljno. . .

It's wonderful to have a family, but sometimes friends can also be our family. Sometimes they are a great team that you might work better with. Keep them and love them. We are social beings and we need warmth of touch, gentle words, support. It is important not to withdraw into yourself. According to the possibilities, help others, support, console, give them relief and comfort. Spread a sense of community. This world needs such love.
And you don't have to be the perfect family from the commercial, be a happy and ordinary family. That is quite enough. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

