Priroda i potraga za samim sobom/ Nature and the search for oneself

in BANAT3 months ago

Savremeni način života nagomilava puno toga lošeg u nama. Udaljava nas od našeg izvora.
Stres i mnogo obaveza, postaju deo svakodnevice koja nas pritiska. U potrazi za poslom i materijalnom sigurnošću život na otvorenom, u prirodi i kontaktu s ljudima zamenili smo brzim i nezdravim načinom života u kome nemamo mnogo vremena za vlastite potrebe.
Ja se trudim da ostanem u kontaktu sa mojim ja.

The modern way of life accumulates a lot of bad things in us. It takes us away from our source.
Stress and many obligations become a part of everyday life that presses us. In the search for work and material security, we have replaced life outdoors, in nature and in contact with people, with a fast and unhealthy way of life in which we do not have much time for our own needs.
I try to stay in touch with my self.


Krenula sam u šetnju pred kraj dana. Za početak, prošla sam pored starog hotela "Turist" koji je nekada davno okupljao radnike koji su vikendom odmarali okruženi šumom. Sećam se da su to uglavnom bile porodice...

I went for a walk towards the end of the day. To begin with, I passed by the old "Tourist" hotel, which once upon a time gathered workers who rested on weekends surrounded by the forest. I remember it was mostly families...



Usput sam posmatrala okolinu uživajući u jesenjem suncu.

On the way, I observed the surroundings, enjoying the autumn sun.




Naišla sam na predivne šumske kućice ali i na ruševine koje su nekada sigurno bile topli domovi.
Morala sam da se ušunjam i napravim kroz prozor nekoliko snimaka. Bilo je neodoljivo.

I came across beautiful forest houses but also ruins that must have once been warm homes.
I had to sneak in and take a few shots through the window. It was overwhelming.



A zatim nastavak šetnje spuštanjem i penjanjem do vrha. Čarobnim putem kroz stene...

And then the continuation of the walk by descending and climbing to the top. The magical way through the rocks...




Mrak se spuštao ali i ja. Spuštala sam se nizbrdo brzim hodom da me ne uhvati potpuni mrak...

Darkness was descending, but so was I. I was going down the hill at a fast pace so as not to be caught in complete darkness...




Poželeću vam laku noć ovom divnom prirodom i priču o vraćanju svemu lepom...

I will wish you a good night with this wonderful nature and a story about returning to everything beautiful...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!