Put ljubavi ❤️The way of love

in BANAT3 months ago (edited)

Moja zemlja je zadnjih 30 godina mnogo propatila. Ratovi, raspad države, ubistvo premijera, zemljotresi, poplave, inflacije, sankcije, restrikcije energenata...
1.11. Se u Novom Sadu, glavnom gradu Vojvodine, srušila betonska nadstrešnica i u sekundi ubila 14 duša.
Ne mogu da se oporavim ovih dana. Tako tužno. Jutros sam se probudila sa nekim tupim osećajem.
Obula sam patike i krenula u šumu.
To je moj način da ostanem normalna...
Otišla sam na put, put ljubavi i mira...

My country has suffered a lot in the last 30 years. Wars, the collapse of the state, the assassination of the prime minister, earthquakes, floods, inflation, sanctions, energy restrictions...
1.11. A concrete canopy collapsed in Novi Sad, the capital of Vojvodina, killing 14 people in a second.
I can't recover these days. So sad. I woke up this morning with a dull feeling.
I put on my sneakers and started walking into the forest.
It's my way of staying normal...
I went on a journey, a journey of love and peace...



Brzim hodom ostavljala sam tugu i razočaranost iza sebe...

With a quick walk, I left sadness and disappointment behind...





Što sam brže hodala, led nezadovoljstva pomešan sa besom se topio oko moje sure...
Sunce me je grejalo i uveravalo da će danas sve biti ok.

The faster I walked, the ice of dissatisfaction mixed with anger melted around my surah...
The sun warmed me and assured me that today everything will be ok.


Predivno jutarnje sunce me je milovao po licu a ja sam mu uzvraćala osmehom...

The beautiful morning sun caressed my face and I smiled back...


Kako je vreme prolazilo, sunce se podizalo sve više i više...
Ispred mene je bljesnula predivna staza koja me je vodila ka brdima koja su mirno posmatrala okolinu...

As time passed, the sun rose higher and higher...
In front of me flashed a beautiful path that led me to the hills that calmly observed the surroundings...


Sa desne strane, visoko iznad mene, skoro na nebu, ugledala sam Kulu, tvrdjavu koja predstavlja simbol mog grada. I ona me je spokojno gledala sa visine, šireći neki mir..

On the right, high above me, almost in the sky, I saw the Tower, a fortress that is the symbol of my city. And she was calmly looking at me from above, spreading some peace...




Vratila sam se kući, ispunjena svetlošću . Odlučila sam da iskoristimo baterije koje sam napunila. Znala sam da moj drug kreči kuću kod prijatelja. Otišla sam da mu donesem hranu i iznenadnim. Otvorio je širom vrata. Zagrlili smo se. Dala sam mu da jede. Nije jeo ceo dan. U pravi čas!
Mogu da ti pomognem?

I returned home, filled with light. I decided to use the batteries I had charged. I knew that my friend was whitewashing a friend's house. I went to get him some food and surprise him. He opened the door wide. We hugged. I let him eat. He hasn't eaten all day. At the right time!
Can I help you?



Bio je ovo dobar dan. Dan ljubavi koji sam sama napravila...❤️

This was a good day. A day of love that I made myself...❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!