Šumska avantura! 🌳🌳 Forest adventure! 🌳🌳

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Od kako sam ovde u Nemačkoj, uglavnom sam išla na kupanje po obližnjim plažama. Volim fizičku aktivnost pa sam se odlučila za plivanje. Brda nemaju kao u mom gradu pa nisam mogla da planinarim. Moj brat je bio u ovom istom gradu pre 30 godina kao mlad. Stalno mi ovori da odem na neku stazu koja prolazi kroz šumu pored jezera.

Since I've been here in Germany, I've mostly gone swimming at the nearby beaches. I like physical activity, so I decided to swim. They don't have hills like in my city, so I couldn't go hiking. My brother was in this same town 30 years ago as a young man. I keep wanting to go on a path that goes through the forest by the lake.

  • Idi tamo, prelepo je. Možeš tamo i da trčiš.
    Ne znam zašto ali dani me nikako nisu odveli tamo.
    Juče je bila savršena temperatura za šetnu, 22 stepena.
    Odlučila sam, sada idem da istraźim stazu o kojoj mi je pričao brat!
    Pravo vreme za avanturu!
  • Go there, it's beautiful. You can also run there.
    I don't know why but the days never took me there.
    Yesterday it was a perfect temperature for a walk, 22 degrees.
    I've decided, now I'm going to explore the path my brother told me about!
    Time for an adventure!
    I'm going!


Kao što su mi prolaznici i reki, prvo ću naići na veslački klub, super, videla sam to mesto ali tuda nisam mogla da nastavim. Staza je vodila drugom stranom. Namerno nisam htela nikoga da pitam, bio je izazov da istražim sama! Avantura!
Znam samo da mi je tetka čiji sam bila gost, rekla da se držim putića pored jezera. Krenula sam širokom stazom koja je bila vrlo uredjena ali u jednom momentu, staza me je vodila ka auto putu. Bio mi je čudno ali pratila sam taj put. Moj kompas su bili intuicija i logika. Nastavila prateći pogledom jezero sa desne strane.

As for passers-by and rivers, first I will come across the rowing club, great, I saw that place but I couldn't continue there. The path led to the other side. I deliberately didn't want to ask anyone, it was a challenge to research on my own! Adventure!
I only know that my aunt, whose guest I was, told me to stick to the path by the lake. I started on a wide path that was well-groomed, but at one point, the path led me to the highway. It was strange to me, but I followed that path. My compass was intuition and logic. She continued, following the lake on the right.


Ok, vidim sa desne strane opet ulaz u šumu. Brat mi je pominjao most. Zala sam da ako ga vidim da sam na pravom putu.

  • Evo ga!

Ok, I see on the right again the entrance to the forest. My brother mentioned the bridge. I hope that if I see him, I am on the right path.

  • Here it is!


Kao na filmu! Sišla sam do obale nekim putićem da bih ga uslikala sa svih strana.

Like in the movie! I went down to the shore along a path to take pictures of it from all sides.





Voda koja protiče ispod mosta, bila je prekrivena zelenom biljkom. Liči na sočivo. Izgledalo je kao svena iz filmova o prirodi i močvarama. Ok, prelazim most. Nastavljam.

The water flowing under the bridge was covered with green vegetation. It looks like a lens. It looked like a fairy from movies about nature and swamps. Ok, I'm crossing the bridge. Keep on going.




Prešla sam mostić nerado, nastavljam kroz šumu. Smenjuju se široke i uže staze. Razne trave i drveće me okružuju. Uvek ima nešto uzbudljivo u tome kad nekuda ideš prvi put. Samo me priroda okružuje. Usput nailazim na tablu sa agendom koja informiše o postojanju različitih vrsta ptica i ostalih životinja. Skoro nijednu nisam srela na putu, ptice su uglavnom kraj obale.

I crossed the bridge reluctantly, I continue through the forest. Wide and narrow paths alternate. Various grasses and trees surround me. There is always something exciting about going somewhere for the first time. Only nature surrounds me. Along the way, I come across a board with an agenda that informs about the existence of different species of birds and other animals. I hardly met any of them on the road, the birds are mostly near the coast.


Čuvala sam ovu sliku o informacijama sa obeleženim estima da bih povezala sa putokazima i tako uporedjivala jer ne znam nemački jezik. Čudilo me je što ne piše i na engleskom. Ali ok, tako sam se snalazila. Put iz šume je nastavljao kroz voćnjake jabuka.

I saved this picture of information with marked estimates to link with the road signs and thus compare because I don't know the German language. I was surprised that it was not written in English. But ok, that's how I got by. The road from the forest continued through apple orchards.


Bila sam u iskušenju da uberem dve, tri jabuke ali sam odustala. Uesto toga, uradila sam stoj na rukama. 😁

I was tempted to pick two or three apples, but I gave up. Instead, I did a handstand. 😁



Nastavila sam sa trčanjem kroz šumu.

I continued running through the forest.


A onda sam ugledala ovu tablu:

And then I saw this board:


Oh, neću valjda da naidjem na lisicu?
Ne plašim se ali ako su divlje?
Ne znam kako da reagujem. Usput sam srela mnogo ljudi na stazi. Uglavnom voze bicikl. Pomislila sam ako se oni ne plaše, neću ni ja. 😁
Vidite na mapi da sam krenula od Friedrichshafena a put je završavao u Langenargenu. Do tamo ima 10 kilometara. Ja sam bila otprilike do pola puta, malo više, negde sam bila na sedmom kilometru. Usput sam srela devojku koja je džogirala kao i ja. Pitala sam je koliko još ima do Langenargena. Rekla mi je da zavisi od toga koliko brzo trčim ali veruje da ima još 30 minuta do tamo. Pogledala sam u nebo. Najavili su kišu. I zaista, stigli su sivi oblaci. Nije mi bilo sve jedno.

Oh, I'm not going to run into a fox am I?
I'm not afraid, but if they're wild?
I don't know how to react. Along the way, I met many people on the trail. They mostly ride bicycles. I thought if they are not afraid, neither will I be. 😁
You can see on the map that I started from Friedrichshafen and the road ended in Langenargen. It is 10 kilometers to get there. I was about half way, a little more, somewhere around the seventh kilometer. Along the way, I met a girl who jogged like me. I asked her how long it was until Langenargen. She told me it depends on how fast I run but she believes she still has 30 minutes to get there. I looked at the sky. They announced rain. And indeed, the gray clouds arrived. I didn't care.



Odlučila sam da se vratim. Nisam htela da me uhvati nevreme. Dovoljno sam trčala što je sutradan potvrdila i moja upala mišića. 🤪
Vraćala sam se trčeći. Nadala sam se da neću zalutati.
Da, ipak sam u jednom momentu promašila put ali sam ubrzo shvatila i vratila sam se na pravi put koji je vodio do kuće.
Pogledala sam u nebo, razvedravalo se. Ah, bilo mi je krivo što sam se vraćala ali ko je znao da će tako biti?
Ok, nastavljam da trčim. Stižem do mesta gde je puteljak vodio do obale.
Uh, ne možete zamisliti koliko je kod vode bilo lepo. Ah. . .
Fotografija će dočarati samo deo.

I decided to come back. I didn't want to get caught in the storm. I ran enough that the next day my muscle inflammation was confirmed. 🤪
I was running back. I hoped I wouldn't get lost.
Yes, I still missed the road at one point, but I soon realized and returned to the right road that led to the house.
I looked at the sky, it was clearing up. Ah, I felt guilty for coming back, but who knew it would be like this?
Ok, I keep running. I reach the place where the path led to the shore.
Ugh, you can't imagine how nice it was by the water. Ah. . .
A photo will capture only a part.







Osećala sam se prosvetljeno.😇 Dok sam posmatrala ovaj prizor, osećala sam zahvalnost.
Prizor je bio božanstven. More je u jednoj liniji svetlucalo kao srebro, labudovi su leteli, sletali, plivali. Dok su mahali krilima zvuk je ličio na aplauz publike. Fantastično. Sve ptice su se izmešale u jednom trenutku. Labudovi, čaplje, rode, plovke. Zanemela sam. Nemo sam posmatrala sa zahvalnošćuovaj dar prirode. Plakalo mi se od sreće. Onaj momenat kad poželiš da večno traje.
Morala sam ovde da napravim selfi. Lice mi sija od sreće.

I felt enlightened. 😇 As I watched this scene, I felt gratitude.
The sight was divine. The sea glittered in one line like silver, swans flew, landed, swam. As they flapped their wings, the sound resembled the applause of the audience. Fantastic. All the birds mingled in one moment. Swans, herons, storks, floats. I was speechless. I silently observed this gift of nature with gratitude. I cried with happiness. That moment when you wish it could last forever.
I had to take a selfie here. My face is shining with happiness.


Našla sam jedno suvo drvo koje je ličilo na skulpturu i sela na njega.

I found a dry tree that looked like a sculpture and sat on it.




Meditirala sam neko vreme, a onda nastavila put ka kući. Poslednji prizor mi se urezao u srce. Bilo je vredno svakog lutanja i kiše da je kojim slučajem pala.
Predivna priroda Nemačke.
Ostao mi je još kilometar do kuće. Cedila sam poslednju lepotu šume u povratku. Volela bih da večno traje.

  • Ok, kućica za ptice! Divno!

I meditated for a while and then continued on my way home. The last scene was engraved in my heart. It was worth all the wandering and rain that happened to fall.
The beautiful nature of Germany.
I still have a kilometer to go home. I squeezed the last beauty of the forest on the way back. I wish it could last forever.

  • Ok, birdhouse! Wonderful!




Stižem do poslednjeg potoka. Morala sam i njega da uslikam jer smo se družili na kratko. Spustila sam se do stene blizu njega i slušala šuštanje vode koja je padala sa kamenja. Kao mali vodopad. Voda se ulivala u bodensko jezero. Divno. Tako je sve povezano.

I reach the last stream. I had to take a picture of him too because we hung out for a short time. I went down to the rock near him and listened to the sound of water falling from the stones. Like a small waterfall. The water flowed into Lake Constance. Wonderful. That's how everything is connected.




Nastavljam. Još nekoliko metara do grada. Ostavljam stazu iza sebe. Okrećem se s vremena na vreme. Posmatram šumu koju ostavljam. 🌳

Keep on going. A few more meters to the city. I leave a trail behind me. I turn around every now and then. I look at the forest I'm leaving behind. 🌳

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke!


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