Swan lake 🦢🦢🦢

in BANAT3 months ago (edited)

Volim balet ali neću pričati i njemu već o današnjoj šetnjioko jezera punom labudova. 🦢❤️
Kažu da voda umiruje, leči, regeneriše...

I love ballet, but I won't talk to him about today's walk around the lake full of swans. 🦢❤️
They say that water soothes, heals, regenerates...




Naime, drug me je pozvao da odemo negde na kafu. Moj predlog je bio da prvo idemo na jezero...

Namely, my friend invited me to go somewhere for coffee. My suggestion was to go to the lake first...


O čemu god da govorite, pričate sa nekim, uvek je prijatnije napolju. Voda posebno ima lekovito dejstvo još ako vam društvo prave labudovi...

Whatever you're talking about, talking to someone is always more enjoyable outside. Water has a healing effect especially if you have swans for company...



posmatram porodicu belih ptica i njihovu povezanost.

I observe a family of white birds and their connection.




Pogledajte kako su lepe, snažne ali i jake ove ptice ...

Look at how beautiful, strong but also strong these birds are...


Mislim da životinje besprekorno znaju šta treba da rade. Kako da se vole,poštuju, podržavaju, pomažu.
Moj drug i ja smo osetili ogromno strahopoštovanje prema ovim veličanstvenim bićima...
Zamolili so ih za jedan selfi. 😉

I think animals know perfectly well what to do. How to love, respect, support and help each other.
My friend and I were in awe of these magnificent creatures...
They were asked for a selfie. 😉



Posmatrali smo njihove odraze u vodi koji su bili isto toliko lepi kao i oni. Pratili su jedno drugoga, mazili se poštuući neku prećutnu hijerarhiju. Posmatrali smo i učili od njih jer se iz prirode najbolje uči.

We watched their reflections in the water which were as beautiful as they were. They followed each other, caressed each other, respecting some tacit hierarchy. We observed and learned from them because nature is the best way to learn.



Dok smo posmatrali naše nove prijatelje, setila sam se jedne kratke priče koju sam ispričala drugu..
🦢Živeti treba kao labud. Iznad vode biti miran, staložen i dostojanstven, ali nogama ispod vode,snažno lupati da bi ste išli napred i plivali!🦢
Nadam se dragi Hajveri da ste uživali u fotografijama, ali još više u priči koja vas uči kako kvalitetno treba živeti...

As we watched our new friends, I remembered a short story I had told the other..
🦢You should live like a swan. Above the water, be calm, composed and dignified, but with your feet under the water, beat strongly in order to move forward and swim!🦢
I hope, dear Hiveri, that you enjoyed the photos, but even more the story that teaches you how to live a quality life...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!še



If it wasn't for window blinds...
It'd be curtains for all us.

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Kako su lepi... i poredjenje sa kraja posta je takodje na mestu, stalozeni i dostojanstveni ali nikad ne prestati praviti energiju nasom voljom ;)

Upravo tako draga @mipiano ...🌹❤️🦢

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Love your closing line. Indeed, everything about nature is a guide for us humans to live a better life.

Yes, we learn the most from nature.
No effort and no suffering. Everything is just natural and spontaneous. Such work brings results.

Thanks for getting in touch.👋

You are welcome 🤗