Vaš život, vaša pravila! ☝️ Your life, your rules! ☝️

in BANATlast year

Da li govorite NE?
Da li birate prijatelje?
Da li ćutite kad vam se ne priča?
Da li ste iskreni?
Da li pitate kad vam nešto nije jasno?
Da li imate vremena za sebe?
Ako je vaš odgovor uglavnom negativan, vreme je da odrastete i da shvatite da imate previše godina da bi se nekom pravdali.

Are you saying NO?
Do you choose your friends?
Do you keep quiet when you are not being talked to?
Are you honest?
Do you ask when something is not clear to you?
Do you have time for yourself?
If your answer is mostly negative, it's time to grow up and realize that you are too old to make excuses for anyone.





S vremena na vreme treba preispitati svoj život. Šta smo propustili? Čega smo se plašili? Zbog čega se ljutimo? Zašto se kajemo? Da li je trebalo drugačije? Nemamo puno vremena, jer na kraju ćete shvatiti da je vreme vrlo dragoceno. Ne razbacujte energiju na nebitne stvari, fokus na bitno. Šetajući danas oko jezera, posmatrajući jato ptica kako slobodno leti bez komplikovanih ljudskih misli.

From time to time you should review your life. What did we miss? What were we afraid of? Why are we angry? Why do we regret? Should it have been different? We don't have much time, because eventually you will realize that time is very precious. Don't waste your energy on unimportant things, focus on what's important. Walking around the lake today, watching a flock of birds fly freely without complicated human thoughts.




Sve me je asociralo na slobodu i rasterećenost od nebitnih stvari. Priroda je neometano radila svoj posao. Drvo je davalo hladovinu, cveće mirisalo, ptice letele, trava je rasla a ja sam se trudila da im budem njihov saveznik.

Everything associated me with freedom and relief from unimportant things. Nature did its work unhindered. The tree provided shade, the flowers smelled, the birds flew, the grass grew and I tried to be their ally.




Dan je veoma topao. Leto se produžilo.
Trava je mirisala na dolazak jeseni, ali ne, ne još. . .

The day is very warm. The summer got longer.
The grass smelled like autumn was coming, but no, not yet. . .







Misli su mi odlutale a onda me je trgnula voda iz tuševa koja je pod pritiskom izletela i ukrstila svoje kapljice sa nebom. Bila je to lepa igra prirode.

My thoughts wandered and then I was startled by the water from the showers, which under pressure flew out and crossed its droplets with the sky. It was a beautiful play of nature.





Okružite se prirodom. Okružite se svim onim što vas čini da budete VI.Okruźite se dobrim ljudima. I ne zaboravite. . . Prihvatite samo one prijatelje sa kojima ste prirodni i prihvataju vas baš takve kakvi jeste.
Sve ostalo je bezveze.

Surround yourself with nature. Surround yourself with everything that makes you YOU. Surround yourself with good people. And don't forget. . . Accept only those friends with whom you are natural and who accept you just as you are.
Everything else is nonsense.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!