Najjednostavnije je reći da je lepo ono što budi ljubav i osećaj prijatnosti u vama.
Kao dete, volela sam satima da gledam kišu i prolaznike koji trče da ne pokusnu. Bilo je uvek nešto dramatično lepo u takvom prizoru. Dok su ostala deca gledala tv, igrala se ili spavala po sivom danu, ja nisam gubila vreme upijajući poeziju dana.
The simplest thing to say is that beautiful is what awakens love and a sense of pleasantness in you.
As a child, I loved watching the rain and passers-by running for hours. There was always something dramatically beautiful in such a scene. While the other children were watching TV, playing or sleeping on a gray day, I wasted no time absorbing the poetry of the day.
U večerašnjoj šetnji zabeležila sam slične momente. Vlažnu nić sa vetrom koji je ometao preostalo lišće na granama drveća.
During my walk tonight, I noted similar moments. A damp thread with the wind disturbing the remaining leaves on the tree branches.
Iako je decembar, ni prijatnih 20 stepeni nije izvulo ljude da sede u baštama. Zastala sam gledajući u prazne stolice koje su se bez prolaznika družile praveći prijatnu prazničnu atmosferu koju sam morala da fotografišem. Kao iz nekog starog filma sa Hemfrijem Bogartom.
Even though it's December, even the pleasant 20 degrees didn't bring people out to sit in the gardens. I stopped looking at the empty chairs that were hanging out without passers-by creating a pleasant festive atmosphere that I had to photograph. Like an old Humphrey Bogart movie.
Jedino deca žive lepotu trenutka nezavisno od toga koji je deo dana, kakvo je vreme da li su raspoloženi jer oni su uvek raspoloženi.
Only children live the beauty of the moment regardless of what part of the day it is, what the weather is like and whether they are in a good mood because they are always in a good mood.
Uvek sam o lepoti razmišljala kao kategoriji koja pleni, budi, inspiriše, dovodi u stanje ljubavi i sreće. Nekome je lepo samo kada je sunčani i vedro vreme, nekome oluja koja besni i uzburkano more.Nekome je lepa simetrija ljudskog lica, nekome asimetrija i poseban/autentičan beleg.
I have always thought of beauty as a category that captivates, awakens, inspires, brings to a state of love and happiness. For some, it's beautiful only when it's sunny and clear weather, for someone, a raging storm and a rough sea. For someone, the symmetry of the human face is beautiful, for someone, asymmetry and a special/authentic mark.
Lepota se posmatra sa osećanjem uzvišenog.Uzvišeno je jednostavno. Lepo može biti i ukrašeno. Dublja lepota je plemenita ne profana. Danas nam društvo servira kič i estetiku kratkog daha. Savršene lutke, savršeno lice, savršeno telo. Lice kontrasta budi neobjašnjivu lepotu koja štrči u moru jednakih.Savršenost vremenom postaje dosadna. U slikarstvu razlikujemo dekorativne i slije koje intrigiraju nagone na razmišljanje.
Beauty is viewed with a sense of the sublime. The sublime is simple. It can also be decorated beautifully. Deeper beauty is noble not profane. Today, society serves us kitsch and short-lived aesthetics. Perfect dolls, perfect face, perfect body. The face of contrast awakens an inexplicable beauty that stands out in a sea of equals. Perfection becomes boring over time. In painting, we distinguish between decorative and more subtle ones that intrigue the urge to think.
U arhikteturi takodje imamo primere. Hladne zgrade jednostavnog geometrijskog oblika koje ne mogu da pariraju nekadašnjem kao što je na primer gotička arhiktetura.
Mislim da je cilj današnjeg društva i poretka da umanje ljudima potencijal za doživljajem, ekspresijom, razmišljanjem, prosudjivanjem itd.
Vraćajući se kući, Pogled mi je odvukao Mesec koji je sijao iza golih grana drveta podsećajuči me na najlepši sonet Vilijama Šekspira:
We also have examples in architecture. Cold buildings with a simple geometric shape that cannot match the former, such as, for example, Gothic architecture.
I think the goal of today's society and order is to reduce people's potential for experience, expression, thinking, judgment, etc.
Returning home, my gaze was drawn by the moon shining behind the bare branches of a tree, reminding me of William Shakespeare's most beautiful sonnet:
“Love each other truly - the wedding of those souls
I do not admit that there are obstacles.
Love is not love if love is changing
And when, unfaithful, embraces an unbeliever.
Not ! She is a solid watchtower
Who watches the storm - herself unshaken;
A lost ship is guided by a star,
mast high and light unknown;
Love is not a toy of time -
Above her blush, though, his sword stands
Love does not change every moment
Count all the days until the judgment day.
Do I prove myself wrong -
I am neither a poet nor a kisser.”
/ Sonet 116 /
Laku noć uz svu lepotu ovog sveta koja nikada neće biti izbrisana. . .✨
Good night with all the beauty of this world that will never be erased. . .✨
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
Super su fotkice😎❣️
Opisuje duh Vršca.
Hvala @sarka-vs !
Sve nalepše u Novoj 2023. godini!🎊✨