Zadnji dani avgusta! ☀️🌊Last days of August! ☀️🌊

in BANAT6 months ago

Leto očigledno prolazi iako su najavili da će i septembar biti topao. Radujem se. Neznajući da li ćemo zbog obaveza stići i u septembru da se kupa i, koristimo zadnje dane avgusta...

Summer is clearly passing, although they announced that September will be warm as well. I'm looking forward to it. Not knowing whether we will arrive in September due to commitments, we are using the last days of August...



Došli smo na plažu. Nije bilo puno ljudi jer je sezona završena i većina se vratila sa odmora na posao.

We came to the beach. There were not many people because the season was over and most of them had returned from vacation to work.



Uživali smo u miru i tišini, Neko je gnjurao, neko vežbao skok u vodu, a neko se slikao! 😆📸

We enjoyed the peace and quiet, Someone snorkeled, someone practiced diving, and someone took pictures! 😆📸




Dan je bio sunčan sa belim oblacima koji su ponekad sakrivali sunce. Nije mi smetalo, naprotiv.

The day was sunny with white clouds that sometimes hid the sun. It didn't bother me, on the contrary.


Voda je bila toliko providna da se jasno moglo videti dno i na velikoj dubini.

The water was so transparent that you could clearly see the bottom even at great depth.


Lišće je još uvek bilo zeleno kao početkom leta i pružalo nam je hladovinu.

The leaves were still as green as early summer and provided us with shade.


Zeleno, zeleno, zeleno...

Green, green, green...


A onda je tišinu prekinulo čudno krckanje. Okrenula sam se ka ćerki i shvatajući šta se dešava, počela sam da trčim ka mojoj ćerki!
Ogromna grana se slomila i pala na pešačku stazu!

And then a strange crunch broke the silence. I turned to my daughter and realizing what was happening, I started running towards my daughter!
A huge branch broke and fell on the footpath!




Zagrlila sam ćerku i pomislila:

  • hvala ti Bože!
    Brat i njegov sin su bili u vodi, nisu ništa ni čuli ni videli. Možda je tako i bolje.
    Ovaj dogadjaja nas je malo uznemirio pa smo odlučili da se vratimo kući.
    Iako se desila ova neprijatna situacija, ipak se može reći da je dan bio lep i poseban. 🙂🙃

I hugged my daughter and thought:

  • thank you God!
    The brother and his son were in the water, they neither heard nor saw anything. Maybe it's better that way.
    This event disturbed us a bit, so we decided to return home.
    Although this unpleasant situation happened, it can still be said that the day was beautiful and special. 🙂🙃

Pozdrav od Anke vragolane!

Greetings from Anka Vragolana